Category Archives: Rabbis

See Great Rabbis Naked!

An Orthodox friend calls. “Do you know how you can see great rabbis naked every day? Go to the mikveh. The Hasidim believe in going every morning. Go to the mikveh in the early morning and you can see great … Continue reading

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Journalists Love Indifference

There’s no emotional quality that journalists prize more in their subjects than indifference. When you deal with people who react in a volatile way to what you write about them, you can’t help but think they are emotionally weak. Think … Continue reading

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The End Of Jewish Blogging?

Orthodox Rabbi Gil Student blogs: Blog posts are opinion pieces. In the old days, before blogs became more mainstream, you could express your opinions freely. If I thought a rabbi wrote an article demonstrating ignorance and dishonesty with sources, I … Continue reading

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Why Doesn’t The Great Sin Of Pre-Marital Sex Get More Attention In Orthodox Life?

When I was growing up in Seventh-Day Adventist Christianity, the sin of fornication aka pre-marital sex received more attention than any other sin. It was the biggie. To do it, was to deny Christ and his love. I’ve never heard … Continue reading

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Post-Orthodoxy & The Ordination Of Women As Orthodox Rabbis

I don’t know much about Torah but I instinctively find the notion of an ordained female Orthodox rabbi to be post-Orthodox aka outside of Orthodox Judaism. The Orthodox Judaism I thought I knew prescribes very separate roles for men and … Continue reading

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