Category Archives: Rabbis

Working With The Rabbis

Many Orthodox rabbis strain their voices trying to project across a noisy room on the Sabbath. The Orthodox do not use microphones on Shabbat. Many rabbis end up hoarse. Some lose their voices completely. And this strain is unnecessary. It … Continue reading

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Even Rabbis Like Tim Tebow

I have never seen a phenomenon in sports like Tim Tebow. And that he is such a genuinely good person is a bonus. He reminds me a little bit of Steve Young who was the only professional athlete during my … Continue reading

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What If We Had A Predator In LA’s Orthodox Community?

You’ve heard about the “former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky, who was arrested over the weekend on more than 40 counts of child sexual abuse.” What if we had a Jerry Sandusky-type in LA’s Orthodox community? Could we have … Continue reading

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Rabbis In Jeans

I just stepped outside my front door and across the street was the rabbi of a Conservative shul in Los Angeles. He wore blue jeans. It jarred me. I don’t think of rabbis as wearing jeans or telling dirty jokes … Continue reading

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The Jewish Indiana Jones Turns Out To Be A Fraud

This story is getting a lot of play around the Jewish world. The New York Times reports: He described himself as a risk-taking rabbi who had been “beaten up, thrown in jail and gone $175,000 into debt” on “expeditions” to … Continue reading

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