Category Archives: Alexander Technique

Conductor Gustavo Dudamel Injures Neck

Well, of course he pulled a muscle during a concert because he’s always clenching and compressing his neck. The bloke badly needs lessons in Alexander Technique.

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F. M. Alexander

The teachings of F.M. Alexander have had more influence on my life than those of any other teacher (aside from Dennis Prager). Reading the book F. Matthias Alexander: The Man and His Work by Lulie Westfeldt, I was struck by … Continue reading

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The Emotional Significance Of Touch

For years, people thought of me as just a big head. I was an intellectual. The rest of life I rushed through to get to what I do best — think. Thanks to Alexander Technique, I am now a complete … Continue reading

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The Startle Response

I’m reading Freedom to Change by Frank Pierce Jones, a professor of Classics at Brown University and a teacher of Alexander Technique. From page 178: The pattern of startle (which has been studied by high-speed photography) is remarkably regular. It … Continue reading

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I’m reading Freedom to Change by Frank Pierce Jones, a professor of Classics at Brown University and a teacher of Alexander Technique. From page 42: Happiness is defined as “doing well something that interests you.” It can be seen at … Continue reading

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