Category Archives: Alexander Technique

Dr. Feelgood

When proffering my Alexander Technique services today, I asked a girl, “Do you want some Dr. Feelgood?” All chicks I know find this moniker creepy, like I’m a drug pusher. But God made this way. Let him soothe your soul, … Continue reading

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Voice Lessons

I used my Alexander Technique lessons this week to develop my voice. I tend to carry around a lot of unnecessary tension in my jaw and neck, and I get particularly tight when I start speaking provocatively. Have you heard … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Still Recuperating From Surgery

Dennis underwent spinal fusion surgery May 11. On May 15, he posts to Facebook: Hello Everybody! I finally have the strength to personally write about my situation. In 28 years of broadcasting I think I missed more than two consecutive … Continue reading

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The 12 Steps To Recovery From Bad Use

Hi, I’m Luke. I’m an addict to clenching and pulling down. F.M. Alexander, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change about my use, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know … Continue reading

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Was Marjorie Barstow The Greatest Alexander Teacher?

I never met Marjorie Barstow. I heard from an Alexander Technique teacher I respect that she was the greatest Alexander teacher ever, better than the man himself F.M. Alexander. That may well be, but I wonder if many of those … Continue reading

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