Category Archives: Alexander Technique

Friday Was My Graduation Day At The Alexander Training Institute Of Los Angeles

I’ve studied here for the past three years to learn how to teach Alexander Technique. During the ceremony Friday, my teacher Michael Frederick had me carry three times a brimming cup of water and throw it out to symbolize that … Continue reading

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Sex, Marketing And Alexander Technique – An Interview With Constance Clare-Newman

A few months ago, I heard a great interview with Constance by Robert Rickover on “Sex, Sexuality and the Alexander Technique,” which, incidentally, are three of my favorite topics. Tonight I talk by phone with Constance — a former book … Continue reading

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The Organization Is Going To Hurt You

Joe* emails: If I say provocative things about work, I can be sued. Frankly, you probably should have waited until you got the degree in hand before writing controversial things, but then, that’s you. You should discuss with… what to … Continue reading

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How To Walk Comfortably

I had plantar fasciitis for a decade until I started taking Alexander Technique lessons.

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Patrick MacDonald Vs The World

F.M. Alexander started his first training course for teachers in 1930 to replace the student income he lost to the Great Depression. His first graduate was Marj Barstow who returned to the United States to teach. There are many schools … Continue reading

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