Category Archives: Alexander Technique

How To Sit Correctly

There are no good ways to sit. No matter how beautiful you sit, you are going to put at least one-third more pressure on your spine than when you are standing up or lying down. No matter your poise, sitting … Continue reading

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Alternative Therapies For Back Pain

Dr Loren Fishman is the Medical Director of Manhattan Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in New York City and the Author, ‘Cure Back Pain with Yoga’. She writes in the Huffington Post: The Alexander technique, developed more than 100 years ago … Continue reading

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Another Doctor Advocates Widespread Training In Alexander Technique

Out of all the groups I’ve offered a free introductory lesson to the Alexander Technique, I’ve found that doctors are the most open. Psychiatrists, family doctors, sports medicine, ENTs, all were far more open than MFTs. From the Irish Times: … Continue reading

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To Truly Feel Despair, You Have To Collapse

It’s impossible to really feel down unless you physically compress. If you allow your head to retreat into your torso and your back to collapse in, then you can truly access despair. If you stay tall and poised, it’s impossible … Continue reading

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You Can’t Fake A Smile

Alexander teacher Sharon Jakubecy says: “Our bodies never lie. So if you or someone you are flirting with is faking a smile, the body will tell the truth. A fake smile has no warmth or joy. It looks forced. The … Continue reading

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