Category Archives: Alexander Technique

The Debauched Life

All of us adults have debauched kinaesthesia (a favorite phrase of the Alexander Technique to indicate a faulty kinaesthetic sense). Through paying attention to your habits and letting go of ones that hurt you (such as unnecessary tightening and compression), … Continue reading

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You Might Be Part Of Your Problem

Most of us just want to be fixed. We want other people to solve our problems. We don’t want to work on ourselves. If you’re addicted to shopping or eating or sexing or movies to escape from your inner pain, … Continue reading

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Old Method To Alleviate Back Pain Enjoying Surge In Popularity

I’ve only met one group of people who have bad things to say about the Alexander Technique — some chiropractors. And they’re reacting to the bad things many Alexander teachers say about them. Other than that, everybody I’ve met who … Continue reading

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Is Life Going By Too Fast?

I have a bad habit of looking at my cell phone every couple of minutes to check for emails and voice messages. It’s easy to get sucked into destructive habits like this and you lose your life to distractions. How … Continue reading

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Warrior Tom Hardy

British actor Tom Hardy starred in the rousing 2011 movie Warrior. He played a mixed-martial arts fighter. I also saw Tom Hardy in the British show The Take, where he played a thug. I notice that when Hardy plays a … Continue reading

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