Category Archives: Alexander Technique

The Opposite Of Grace And Good Use

Check out this diver. Her head is rotating back on to the spine, compressing her whole torso. Usually the performer with the freest neck and the least facial tension will do the best and get the highest scores.

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How the Alexander Technique can help Premature and Brain-Injured Babies

“Jennifer Kellow, an Alexander Technique teacher and Registered Nurse in Jersey City, New Jersey, talks about her work with with premature and brain-injured babies.” Jennifer: “When I was learning Alexander Technique, I was working as a nurse in newborn intensive … Continue reading

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Alexander Teachers Spend Raucous Afternoon Validating Each Other

LOS ANGELES, CA—According to witnesses, a tight-knit group of twenty five Alexander Technique teachers spent a wild afternoon in Reseda Sunday, overindulging in emotionally supportive behavior and generally validating the living heck out of each other. Confirming the women get … Continue reading

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Three Downsides To Alexander Lessons

Usually, you will feel great after an Alexander lesson. You’ll feel more at ease in your body, more balanced, and more tranquil. But there’s also a good chance that once you let go of your body armoring (unnecessary tension), you’ll … Continue reading

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The Alexander Technique and Efficient Breathing

“Robert Rickover talks with Dr. John H. M. Austin, MD, Professor Emeritus of Radiology at the Columbia University Medical Center and internationally known chest radiologist about a study he conducted with the late Pearl Ausubel, an Alexander Technique teacher in … Continue reading

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