Will The MSM Go After Biden For Careless Storage Of Classified Documents? (1-11-23)

Virtual Pilgrim writes: 14:28. “Is America an idea?” Steven Crowder said, “The difference between us (America) and Denmark and Norway and Sweden is WE’RE NOT A PEOPLE, we’re a country of ideals. And if you’re willing to come in and make a go of it, we’re going to provide you with equal opportunity – not ensure equal outcomes. That’s the difference that requires a racial national identity vs a Constitutional Republic. So ironically, Socialism almost invariably tends to be racist to a certain degree. Which is funny when we say national socialism and democratic socialism.”

People like Crowder don’t know what a nation is. Nations are defined by race, ethnicity, language, culture, history, and religion. This is what it means to be an American. America is a nation, but The United States is not a nation. It is an ideology; An idea; A political system of laws. The United States and America are two different things. However, the United States protected the nation with the 1790 Naturalization Act which defines citizens as, “White persons of good character.”

John Jay understood this when he wrote: “Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the SAME ancestors, speaking the SAME language, professing the SAME religion, attached to the SAME principles of government, very SIMILAR in their manners and customs…” ~ John Jay, First Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, 1787

Notice, “same ancestors”!!! This is why conservatives today a radical anti-American traitors.

Vox Day, today, writes: “One cannot strip a person of his nationhood because it is his birthright and can be confirmed by external bodies through the use of genetic science. But since one observably can strip a person of his government-issued identity, this proves that the issuing body is not, and can never be, synonymous with the nation.”

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The Demise Of The Wolf Warrior (1-11-23)

00:55 The demise of wolf warrior diplomacy, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_warrior_diplomacy
03:00 Zhao Lijian: China reassigns combative ‘Wolf Warrior’ diplomat, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-64218847
05:00 Full Interview With Kai, The Homeless Hitchhiker With A Hatchet
08:00 Kai the ‘Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker’ became an internet sensation. Then he killed someone. https://www.mamamia.com.au/the-hatchet-wielding-hitchhiker/
12:00 When narcissism disables, https://www.patreon.com/DecodingTheGurus/
18:00 Games People Play, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Games_People_Play_(book)
21:30 Elliott Blatt joins
22:20 Elliott tries nicotine gum, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotine
46:00 California’s flooding
54:30 Twitch star Amouranth says husband forces her to stream, controls her finances, https://www.polygon.com/23409728/amouranth-twitch-streamer-husband-abuse-domestic-violence
1:03:30 Lex Fridman’s love bot
1:07:00 Stupid Covid conspiracies
1:53:45 Why the MSM’s strange new respect for Ron DeSantis?
2:05:10 Men marry the woman in front of them at the time they are ready to get married

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6yo Kid Shoots His Teacher (1-10-23)

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Which Side Is The Most Likely To Harass?

Which side of the lab leak hypothesis is the most likely to try to destroy people for being on the other side of this debate? Which side is most likely to harass the other?

Which side of the voter fraud discussion is the most likely to try to destroy people for being on the other side of this debate? Which side is most likely to harass the other?

Which side of the JQ is the most likely to try to destroy people for being on the other side of this debate? Which side is most likely to harass the other?

Which side of the political spectrum is the most likely to try to destroy people for being on the other side of this debate? Which side is most likely to harass the other? The normies or the dissidents?

Which side of the global warming hypothesis is the most likely to try to destroy people for being on the other side of this debate? Which side is most likely to harass the other?

It seems to me that doxxing and harassment are like terrorism — it is war by other means by people who are often outgunned in conventional conflict.

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Brazil’s January 6 Type Protests, Ron DeSantis and Big Friendship (1-10-23)

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