How Did Conservatives Spot Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline Years Before The Liberal Elites? (7-3-24)

01:00 Conservatives saw Joe Biden’s decline before liberals did,
11:00 George Stephanopoulos vs Nikki Haley
21:40 Dan Senor host of “Call Me Back” talks debate last week, Israeli Hamas war and how to move forward,
42:30 Ari Emmanuel torches Joe Biden
48:40 Will Michelle Obama run for president?
53:00 The Debate That Changed Everything | Joe Biden’s Common Knowledge Moment,
55:30 Mollie Hemingway on the NYT hoaxes propping up Joe Biden
56:00 Did the media botch the Biden age story?,
57:00 DB: White House Reporters: Biden Handlers’ ‘Credibility’ Is Shot,
58:00 Joe Biden and the tragedy of liberal denialism,
59:00 Jill Abrams castigates the MSM on missing Biden story,

01:00 Conservatives saw Joe Biden’s decline before liberals did,
11:00 George Stephanopoulos vs Nikki Haley
21:40 Dan Senor host of “Call Me Back” talks debate last week, Israeli Hamas war and how to move forward,
42:30 Ari Emmanuel torches Joe Biden
48:40 Will Michelle Obama run for president?
53:00 The Debate That Changed Everything | Joe Biden’s Common Knowledge Moment,
55:30 Mollie Hemingway on the NYT hoaxes propping up Joe Biden
56:00 Did the media botch the Biden age story?,
57:00 DB: White House Reporters: Biden Handlers’ ‘Credibility’ Is Shot,
58:00 Joe Biden and the tragedy of liberal denialism,
59:00 Jill Abrams castigates the MSM on missing Biden story,

AI transcript:
Speaker 0: Good day. Mate 40 here. So why isn’t it the conservatives? Just regular old conservatives? Conservatives who who worked as plumbers, right conservatives who worked as nursing aids, conservatives who worked as garbage collectors?

Right. How come millions of conservatives in low status professions, were able to spot Joe Biden cognitive decline. Many years before high status elite far more intelligent liberals. We’re able to see that. And this is not a dunk on Liberals, show.

Right? I I tried it rise above partisan ship while acknowledging that that I am right wing. And I think 1 reason that conservatives were able to see Cognitive decline before Liberals is that liberals particularly, liberal elites have much more of a dedication to facts in some things than do conservatives. So I believe tell me if I’m wrong, but for conservatives, common sense is something. That an individual with a room temperature, Iq or above can display from his own life experiences, so Conservatives were a 100 iq, they saw video of Joe Biden or they heard Joe Biden, and they thought this is a scene aisle old man.

Liberals on the other hand, I think for for liberals, smart intelligent, intellectual liberals, common sense. Is the consensus of expertise. So take the Covid vaccine. Right? So for many conservatives, it felt like the opposite of common sense to take this new vaccine, where where would they want to import that into their body, But for Liberals, they accepted the medical consensus that this was a good thing to do.

And so I I believe that Liberals by and large reacted to… Covid in a sane and more effective way than did conservatives. On the other hand, conservatives were able to see that Joe Biden Had such dramatic cognitive decline that he was not fit to be president of the United States, and and conservatives could see this many years before Liberals came around to it now. The Mainstream media come around to it. And they’re embarrassed.

Right? Because it appears that they’ve been carrying water for Joe Biden. And part of the their inclination perhaps to not pursue their story is that they regard Donald Trump as a deadly threat to to the country. Also, they have a much higher bar for what’s a fact. So just you as an individual looking at Joe Biden.

And making a judgment. He’s obviously in cognitive decline. Alright? That is not a fact in a liberal conception because you have no medical training. Right?

You don’t have the capability of being a medical expert and and diagnosing Joe Biden. Now, I’m not a big fan of Will Kain, who you’re seeing on, on, the screen right now. Even though I agree with on almost everything, but he just takes the easy way out like Ben shapiro and almost all conservative pun, The mainstream media for their failure to cover Joe Biden cognitive decline. Well, the conservative media had every opportunity to cover the same story and they never did it in any comprehensive fact based fashion. Alright.

Putting together various videos it’s saying this is obviously a sen I old man. Alright. That does not constitute a fact in elite discourse. Right? And conservatives republicans had every opportunity to nail down and document this story.

Right? Joe Biden has had obvious symptoms of fidelity since at least 20 18. And so Republicans could have spent a hundred thousand dollars hired some good investigative reporters and and definitively nail this or down, so that the mainstream media would have to pay attention just as The the bloke behind the b up for a while, and he ran red Donald Trump’s campaign. In 20 16, da has been sentenced to 4 months in jail. Oh my god.

I’m having a senior moment. Alright. He hired people to do a d definitive story on Hillary Clinton in the Clinton Foundation’s corruption. And because it was nailed down in a fact based c bannon. Right?

Because it was nailed down in a fact based manner, Right? It had Sway in the conventional news media. Republicans could have done the same thing. So Will kane. Right.

Podcast first. And Hugh Hewitt podcast her saying, Joe Biden. That is not nailing the story down. That’s just giving your opinion. That’s just displaying your common sense.

But you’re not conveying facts to an elite liberal university educated audience. Alright. You’re… Understanding from looking at videos that Joe Biden is sen aisle. Alright, that’s not a fact from an elite.

A perspective. Right? That is just your your feeling. Right? And and and feelings are not fact is as Ben shapiro reminds us.

So let’s get a handle on what’s going on with the mainstream media. They are deeply embarrassed by this story. Alright. They look really bad. So Jackie at Fox News this group.

Speaker 1: Biden to drop out and also expressions of concern really, just a note of the moment that we are in. It didn’t include the latest call for him to drop. This came just last hour from Massachusetts Congressman Seth Mo. He wrote, when your current strategy isn’t working. It’s rarely the right decision to double down.

President Biden is not going to get younger. I’m taking time to seriously consider the best strategy for Democrats to win this election and set our country on a positive path forward

Speaker 2: is not

Speaker 1: that statement comes right after house democratic leadership held a conference call this evening following reports that members are circulating 2 letters, 1 calling for Biden to drop about if the next few days don’t go well and the other demanding it. The Biden campaign is also denying that there’s a succession plan underway. Should president Biden decide step aside. Cnn reported that Biden would first throw his support behind vice president Harris, and then former presidents and party leaders would follow suit to stave off, a contentious fight for the ticket. The campaign tells Fox, there is, quote, literally 0 truth to this report.

But the Biden campaign c chair is openly voicing his support for a mini primary if president Biden calls it quits.

Speaker 3: You can access fashion the process is already in place to make it a mini primary and I would support that. Absolutely. I picked the come harris with quit herself very well in that kind of a process, but then it would be fair to everybody. So all of the other governors who may be interested.

Speaker 1: We haven’t yet seen the full impact of this debate on the polling. On the fundraising, never mind the increasing calls for biden to trump, coming from editorial boards like the Boston Globe put out today. And this and moment from the Democratic governors who met with the president, 22 of them, not hearing that he’s in it firmly until the third speaker’s really means this question continues into tomorrow will.

Speaker 4: Alright, Jackie. Welcome to the break in the new cycle Happy fourth of July. Thank you, Jackie. And by the way, every fourth of July week, I find myself sitting around a fire, a check in my phone.

Speaker 0: Oh, great. That’s good to know, Well, So so glad to know what you do on the fourth of July. Alright. Why did… Regular 100 conservative see Joe Biden dramatic cognitive declined years before the liberal elite.

Right? So part of the the reason is also partisan. Right? People, who your enemy. Alright?

They’re they’re much more willing to tell you harsh truths than than your friend. So I I found that that I often get much more truth from from my harshest enemies than I do from my best friends Right. Here is a classic example of the liberal elite versus conservative. Politician perspective on Joe Biden. Alright?

So Joe Biden is said to do his first post to meet interview with Abc abc’s George Stefan. Here is George Stephan na shouting over Nikki Haley last year. When Nikki Haley questioned Biden ability to finish a second term. How do Joe Biden with not gonna finish his term. What is that based on?

So from a liberal perspective, there’s simply a a lack of facts here. Alright. It’s some of these interactions with the biden press corps, pretty funny. They asked biden to come down and 1 reporters says he’s is he awake.

Speaker 2: After when I got the fundraiser,

Speaker 5: the president Lane Jet led for his, debate performance, I he fact states side for well over week. So does he really need more than? We’ve gonna have to recover from from from traveling in Europe? He owned that the debate was not his best night. And it…

And he said himself, it’s not an excuse, but it’s an explanation.

Speaker 2: You did get numerous questions yesterday. Yep. About the president’s debate performance. You didn’t mention travel. The jet lag, the foreign trip.

So I think you can understand why it was a little bit puzzling. To hear the president mentioning that as his explanation. Yeah. For the first time last night. I I would say that

Speaker 5: is my bad. I did. I didn’t know that. But we were so focused. I was so focused on the call on the cold.

Speaker 2: Is president biden considering stepping down.

Speaker 5: Absolutely. Absolutely not.

Speaker 4: Every summer we do stories about sharks and shark attacks at it.

Speaker 0: Okay. So here’s a classic story. Where George Stephan goes up against Nikki Haley? And says, on what basis do you say, He’s not gonna finish his term. So let’s let’s play this this classic video.

It it illustrates a different added attitude towards facts between conservatives and liberals.

Speaker 6: Is no way that Joe Biden is gonna finish his term. I think Kamala Harris is gonna be the next… President and that should send a chill up every American spine, But I also take the fact that we have a primary crime Excuse

Speaker 7: excuse me 1 second. Do not that your biden not gonna finish his term? What is that based on?

Speaker 6: You ask Americans, do you think you…

Speaker 0: So what is that based? Done. So if for conservatives is based on uncommon sense, but for liberals like George Stefan atlas, common sense is that which is done the consensus of those with expertise in the area.

Speaker 6: He’s gonna finish his term. Do you think that he’s actually gonna finish what… He started, we look at the decline he’s had over the last few years. You have to be honest with the American people, George.

Speaker 7: Again, you didn’t answer. Question. What what evidence you have that he’s not gonna finish the term? What Americans feel has no basis on whether he’s gonna finish his term or not.

Speaker 0: See what Americans feel has no basis. On whether Joe Biden is going to finish his alumina or. Well, it has no basis if it’s removed from reality, but the common sense of Americans was far closer to reality, then the sophistication of high iq liberally elites. Alright. George Stefan was has scorn for this perspective, offered in 20 23 when it’d been obvious for 5 years, that Joe Biden was in a cognitive decline downward spiral.

Right? Being obvious for 5 years, and he is demanding evidence. Alright? Because he wants facts because this is his hero system. Alright?

Respect for facts and facts require the experts to to come out and declare something following proper protocol.

Speaker 6: The American people know You’re joe by leader who is at the top of their game?

Speaker 7: I was watching the debate. You agree the ukraine doing on on Ukraine.

Speaker 0: So I a work basis. Right? Feelings are not facts. And as has George Stefan giving giving the the ben shapiro treatment that feelings are not facts. So that there’s there’s something of a contempt, Alright, among the liberal elite for the un washed and the notions of common sense and the The flip image of that contempt is Dennis P saying, studies either back up, what what is common sense to me or or they’re wrong.

Right? And and that’s not true. Ida come down on either side. Sometimes common sense is right, sometimes expertise is right. I believe the the liberal left was far more realistic with regard to the Covid threat and how to deal with that then were conservatives.

On the other hand, with regard to transactional surgeries, and with regard to same sex marriage, And with regard to Jay biden obvious cognitive decline, conservative common sense, I think wins out against. The liberal elite. What else is going on here?

Speaker 5: Well, speaking directly and engaging, with his supporters and then spend time with his family. I think what’s important is that he has done this outreach. He’s having these conversations

Speaker 4: busy, recovering from the debate with Hunter and

Speaker 0: Okay. So Fox? News dot com reported day former, Republican presidential candidate, Nikki Haley Dunk on Abc abc’s George Stefan alt after their tenth exchange last year about president Biden mental acuity res resurfaced on Tuesday. During the interview last August on Good morning America, Haley repeated her associate the vote for Joe Biden is a vote for Kamala Harris. There’s no way Joe Biden is gonna finish his term, He he said.

Kamala Harris is gonna be the next president, and that should send a chill up every American spy. Also think the fact that we have a primary. Excuse me excuse me, Stefan interrupted with a skull on his face. But How do Biden is not gonna finish his term. What is that based on?

So common sense doesn’t count. That that is not a proper basis. From George Stefan and and the liberal elite perspective. Ask Americans, do you think he’s gonna finish his term? Do you think that he’s actually gonna finish what he started, Hayley responded.

We look at decline he’s had over the last few years. You have to be honest with the American people, George, there’s no way that Joe Biden is gonna finish out at next time. We can’t have an 81 year old present. The We have to have a new generational leader. Again, you didn’t answer the question Stefan push back.

What evidence? Right? What evidence do you have that he’s not gonna finish his term. What Americans feel has no basis on whether he’s gonna finish his turn or up? Right, is that true?

Sometimes what Americans feel does have a basis. It turns out in this area what Americans felt with regard to Joe Biden, had far more of a basis than all of the high Iq liberal mainstream media elite perspective. Alright? 100 Iq conservative plumbers had more wisdom on this than 150 Iq liberal elite Tv anchors. So conservatives have more faith in The common sense of ordinary people, then do liberals, Liberals 1 studies, liberals want science.

Liberals believe more in science than in common sense. Liberals wanted to wait for credential medical elites following protocol to declare Joe Biden. Unfit for office. Right? Regular people didn’t wait for expertise.

Alright? People on on the conservative end of the spectrum are much less likely to wait for expertise. So let’s see what else is going on in the Mainstream media today.

Speaker 4: Over the weekend, it won’t be enough to assure the American people.

Speaker 8: Look, I think they’ve gotta do a lot of stuff. They’ve gotta get him out there this week. He has to show people, that he is wrong. I… , they should have prepared us for a ras voice on Thursday who night to be perfectly frank and nobody did.

So, 1 interview isn’t gonna fix this either.

Speaker 9: Nothing that’s been happening is encouraging. And so, , we all love George Stephan hop, and that’s… Great. But, like, it’s gotta be a lot more than that. It’s gotta be a barn storm.

It’s gotta be town halls in hostile environments, probably like fuck news and show us you could make make the case.

Speaker 4: Those people hey…

Speaker 0: So why isn’t Jay Biden doing these things? Because he’s not cognitive capable. Fox Right, The guys Only got about 6 hours a day of of stamina to to work. So, yeah, I I hope we don’t get into a national security. Crisis.

The media can’t keep hiding the truth about behind. Well, what did you do? Well. Right? You did nothing to move the story forward.

You made remarks on your podcast that Jay Biden in obvious cognitive decline, but that’s not establishing the story. You could have built the story and you failed to. So I I have no time for conservatives pointing out. Oh, the liberal media, they were rallying around Joe Biden, they they ignored this obvious story because nobody in the conservative media, Built this story. Right?

They could have spent the time. They could have gone to the effort to establish facts on the ground with God be to Joe Biden cognitive decline, and they did not. Right? So regular people didn’t wait for the expertise. They trusted what they saw and they trusted in their common sense So liberals are children of the enlightenment.

Right? They have more respect for facts. Right? It in those parts of life that don’t touch on their sacred values, then do conservatives. So common sense for conservatives means something that strikes you.

The individual is obvious for Liberals common sense means the consensus of experts. So without medical experts following protocol, diagnosing Joe Biden, as sen aisle or the equivalent. Right? The Mainstream media wasn’t getting it pronounced on something that struck millions of conservatives as obvious. And as we saw in the clip of George Stephan grilling Nikki Haley for the past 5 years our liberally leads, to clean the news media with few exceptions have tried to do everything that they can to make it socially unacceptable to declare publicly that Joe Biden is sen.

So on what basis they would challenge conservatives, and then they would pour on the scorn. Now, however, the mainstream media is embarrassed, humiliated, angry, they feel like they’re being caught out. Water for Joe Biden. And another part of the reason that Cons conservatives saw this earlier is that liberals take bearing Able and age atheism is substantial moral categories. While conservatives I think it just as likely to mock these moral classifications as to review them.

So for the liberal, Right? See daily beast noting, reporting on anyone’s old age requires extreme sensitivity. I don’t think that. I don’t feel that that someone in public life. Right?

I I don’t feel like you have to use any sensitivity with regard to their own age. Because there’s no such moral category is age or able. Right. It would never occur to me to exercise sensitivity in reporting on a public figures old age. To me and I’ve written this often on my blog if a public speaker looks like he is dying of aids.

I note my report that he looks like he’s dying of aids. To But for liberal comment, right? Able ism and ages of a very real moral categories that they don’t wanna fall into. So this particular… Liberal hero system is completely foreign to me, and you can never think straight about anything.

That you regard as sacred. And so if you regard the sin of ab ism and age as as a sacred sin, then you’re not gonna be have to think straight about it. So a Googled Trump unfit for public office, and most of the arguments boil down to moral and psychological dis often. Referencing the diagnoses of experts who haven’t examined Donald Trump, but they’re they’ve got Phds, When a I Google Biden unfit for public office, I get visceral that are primarily physiological. So conservatives tend to trust their instincts.

Liberals tend to trust expertise. So I was wondering what does Ronnie Goldman say about this in his great work progress conservative claims of cultural oppression. And I I couldn’t figure out a handle on how to great dive into the book. Where where in this book? Can I find the the magic decoder ring for this Joe Biden story where conservatives were able to see the truth here so much more quickly than Liberals?

So here is What I figured out is just put in common sense. Right? Liberals, common sense conservative vis vis common sense. So I just look for every… Version of, common sense in his book.

But I need to take quick break

Speaker 9: a lot there to say there… I think Israel will go to War against Tesla. It’s just a matter of when, I think that Israel… These israeli leaders decision makers would would much prefer not to go anytime soon. They are winding down the war in Gaza.

They’re actually doing much better in Gaza than international press would have you believe. Everyone of the predictions by the Biden administration about what would happen in Israel’s the war and Gaza in… Which is a defensive war or a war in response to October seventh. Virtually, every 1 of their predictions has been wrong, they are they are quite effective yet is really, decision makers and military leaders do not wanna fight the 2 front war. They wanna wind down the warren Gaza before they go into against Ted’s on the north.

Now the the challenge is, there’s about… There’s there are tens of thousands of Israelis who live near Israel’s Northern Porter with Lebanon, who have not been at home since October seventh, there mood.

Speaker 0: There’s And the chat says, hey, Luke, buy silver and gold. , it’s more important than buy silver and gold, buying time planning time. To build up your connections with your friends and your family and your community. That is a far better investment than even silver and gold

Speaker 9: moved out of there. And Gala, the defense minister. You have Gall has said he wants those families back before the school year before the next school year. These are these are young israeli children who’ve miss basically an entire school year, but not being able to live at home. He wants them back in their homes before the next school.

So 1 of 2 things has to happen. Either He has to pull back for that to happen, north of Le tiny River, which was the Un security council a resolution that you referenced 17 o 1, which it… Hezbollah what was supposed to say, stay north of the Lat tiny River, which they have not they have violated. Other hezbollah has to get back there. So they’re not as much of a threat and immediate threat to the Israelis living in Northern Israel, Has to go to war against Hezbollah.

1 of those 2 things has to happen. I think israel we’ll go to war says well regardless at some point, but I I think is these israeli leaders wanna wait till Gaza actually totally winds down, which is… Now what we we talked about in the most recent episode of my podcast, which is the Idea is basically saying we’re pretty close to getting there.

Speaker 10: And now the last question, Dan, and we… And we can stay in the break if you have time. I know you’re busy and you’ve got boys to take care of. Is that America needs to port is when they go to war with Lebanon. We have the carriers there We had 2 carriers there.

They’re gone. 1 is in the Red Sea I think, but the other 1 is gone. Do you expect there to be an appreciable difference between a Trump 2 and, Kamala Harris. I don’t think Joe Biden is gonna make it to a second term. So I’m just assuming at some point, it’s a Kamala Harris administration Do you think there will be an appreciable difference between the 2 of those when it comes to supporting Israel in that war with Hezbollah, which is we agree inevitable.

Speaker 9: Look, I don’t… It’s hard to predict, but I I… If you would have told me president, but Biden immediate response, to supporting israel after October seventh, I wouldn’t have believed it. If you would’ve have told me that he would’ve have deployed the kind of resources he did after October seventh, which I think was a deterrent against, Hezbollah. I wouldn’t believed it.

I think the administration, the last thing they want right now, Is a broader regional war and they’re doing everything possible to discourage israel from escalating against Hezbollah, but Israel isn’t escalating against Hezbollah, Hezbollah was escalating against israel.

Speaker 10: So they’re

Speaker 9: not the administration is gonna price pressures will not to respond. All I can tell you with with the Trump administration is based on what I know from what it’s it his last administration. I get asked this all the time? How do you think Trump will be on this issue? How do you think it be on that issue?

I don’t know. I’m not in…

Speaker 0: Okay. Let let’s go deeper philosophically, why where 100 Iq conservatives is better able to speak up and and spot. Joe Biden cognitive decline when compared to 01:40 Iq liberal elites. And so I just put in common sense into Ronnie Goodman work in progress, conservative claims of cultural oppression. And there was some remarkably applicable passages.

So he talks about Liberals be muse in inc toward conservative grievance. Alright? So you saw that in to Stephan his attitude. Yeah, kind of a be inc tranquility towards Nikki Haley. Right?

It’s the natural byproduct of the conservative oppression being alleged. Right? Because the dominant cultures language and concepts will always privilege the perspective of its ruling elites. Alright. So our dominant coaches language and concepts come from the liberal left elite.

Right? We are ruled by people who primarily come from the liberal left, and they then shape common sense to which oppressed groups are made to answer. So Nikki Haley had to answer the evidence questions of jared s on the basis of his conception of facts, meaning that you need medical expertise to decide to diagnose Joe Biden as unlikely to finish his term. Your feelings mean nothing. Alright?

Your common sense means nothing in the George Stephan liberal elite perspective. So liberally Elite such as George Stefan in present themselves as defending un democratic norms. But what they’re really doing is exploiting the prestige of these norms, right? Norms means concepts of right and wrong to advance their own partisan par cultural elections as just take for granted common sense, Right? Where’s the evidence?

Where are the facts that Joe Biden is in cognitive decline. That was the liberal left mainstream media. Common sense until the debate, 6 days ago. Right? So this new common sense consists in expert opinion and in the systematic inversion of all the values held dear by the largely powerless and often voiceless ordinary American.

So the Liberal elite have replaced competition and standards by with bureaucratic intervention and social engineering. They replaced patriotism by multi multicultural and anti american They replace capitalism with environmental and socialism. They replaced traditional morality by sexual or feminism. So the elite present themselves, people like George Stephan present themselves as public minded p. But from a conservative perspective, They driven by a per will to invert what conservatives take as right and wrong, true and false.

So conservative ceo Joe Biden cognitive decline for the past 6 years, and the liberal instinct is to invert that and say, oh, where are your facts? What what is the basis you are the 1 who’s living in a delusion world. So from a conservative perspective, the liberal elite we’re living in a delusion world, believing that Joe Biden was cognitive up to the task of president of the United States, but from the liberal elite perspective, they would hammer conservatives who thought that Joe Biden was cognitive checked out by demanding where are your facts. Right? These are just feelings that you have, and your feelings don’t count for anything.

So the anointed, right? Another term for the Liberal left, lead coin by… Thomas Sol. They reject the common sense of the ben united. So the be united are those who don’t enjoy the liberal left hero system.

Right? And so the anointed at the liberal left elite, they reject the common sense of the be United of the conservatives because it’s very common isn’t in a front. To their identity. Right? If you’re part of the elite, you’re gonna have disdain for that, which is common.

That is how has worked in most societies throughout history. And everyone’s looking to distinguish themselves. And 1 way that our elite seek to distinguish themselves is by setting themselves apart from that, which is common. Right? And by systematically invert what the common people regard as right and true.

So the liberal left elite identity pre a world, that resists their prescriptions. Right? A fallen world, a world too stupid and be united and backward and meet evil to recognize their superior wisdom and morality and thus all the more in need of their instruction. So whether the issue is the rights of criminals or the rights of the homeless setting up camps on public streets or the merits of Avant got art. Right?

There’s always a pattern among the elite of seeking to distinguish themselves from the commoners at all costs. So they will use terms like politics of kindness community at love of learning. Right? And then reconfigure them, so as to generate new gaps, new chasm between the anointed the elite. You’re and the common people.

So liberals are always moving the gold post because their political vision, alright, their political identity is a vision of themselves morally instructing the ben united. And this vision of the anointed never received is the lucid ascent of the great majority, but most of the time it it enjoys just a passive ac. He So liberals in the elite must always be promoting and defending. Right? There enlightened perspective on the world.

And this is where the intellectual class comes in. Right? They have captured America’s most influential institutions including the media Hollywood university’s, public education foundations, government, courts, the professions. And so from these elevated positions. Right, the liberal elites.

Use their privilege to fo their par, same sex, pro trans, values, punt a silent and largely powerless majority of ordinary Americans. Though even where democracy is not being legally disabled by the courts, so punt Ordinary Americans in California vote for proposition 1 87 back in 19 96, I believe to bar the provision of certain welfare benefits to people in the United States illegally, but then the California Supreme Court were just overrule the will of the California people, and that is democracy. Right? When the majority do not get there say, if it goes against liberal left elite norms. So we have this residue of freedom where informal coercion conversion can’t completely stamp it out.

So Angelo Ko says that the Liberal Left elite have inserted Elite prejudice into mainstream common sense. Mainstream common sense says Joe Biden, obviously, cognitive on the decline, but Elite prejudices is, well, where are your facts? Where’s the evidence? Now, our ruling class can’t prevent us from saying Joe Biden is s nile. They can’t prevent us from Worship God, but what they can do is make it as socially disabling as smoking.

To say these things. You have to say them fe and with a bad conscience to declare that Joe Biden is. Until now. Right? So liberals despise un reflective, un common sense.

Because they believe in the buffer, when when I get the Ai transcript, it always spells it as Buffett, BUFFET. No. Buffett, BUFERED. That’s the idea that on our own, we can develop our own system of morality and meaning and purpose and with the power of our una aided reason. We can plot a good path forward for ourselves and for society.

While, the traditional identity is por, meaning that we understand that what goes on next door and across the street and in the next block and what you say to me in chat that that affects me that I I don’t have a buffett identity. Have a por identity where everything that’s going on around me affects me So therefore, I have a strong incentive to try to reduce pollution and sources of contagion. And and try to maintain as much lower an order and cleanliness as possible in the public square. So liberals in this conservative claims of cultural oppression mindset despise un reflective common sense. Because Liberals v, the Buffett identity, the morality of the court who takes into account every different group and how they might be affected by his words and actions.

So work is a secular type of protestantism where you have synchronized groups such as blacks and homosexual who cannot be publicly criticized. So from a liberal left perspective, right, conservative preferences cannot be permitted to enter into utilitarian calculus because these preferences reflect a failure of liberal virtue a failure of discipline, a failure to resist reflex common sense. So I think Jay Biden and his supporters are probably deeply regretting that they they selected Kamala harris as his vice president. Just because she fit certain demographic categories, she could identify as 8 black because she had somewhat doc darker than average skin, and she’s Asian. Alright?

She has this watt, 1 Indian parent. So Another way of understanding the differences between liberals and conservatives is that liberals have the morality of the nurturing parent, meaning the mother and conservatives have the strict father morality. But Life is complicated, and so you can be a strict father in your private family life and a nurturing parent at at work or the opposite, so we all have a constellation of values. And so many academics who are politically liberal or on the left, but they have come to see academic scholarship as a version of strict by the morality. So Scholar elite life has been newly bound by that strict by the morality.

So academic c that there are intellectual authorities who maintains strict standards for the conduct of Scholar research and for reporting on such research and that it is. Un uncommon for someone to violate these standards and therefore young scholars require a rigorous training, to meet the scholar standards. So conservatives defend common sense and individual self reliance against liberal claims of expertise and professionalism. Right? So liberals look the truth from science and from expertise, conservatives look to common sense and tradition.

So Americans originally had self understanding that they had… They lived in the promised land of common sense. But our cognitive elite wants to undercut that. That wants to erode the spirit of cognitive egalitarian isn’t where on our own, we can figure out what is true, much of the time. Right?

They they wanna move away from traditional American conception where the common people could figure out right and wrong in truth from false. Right? Because the elites see the common people are too easily manipulated by fox News and intellectual char. The conservatives see the liberally elite as the char of today pretended to employ their claims to intellectual expertise and professionalism. To cow ordinary Americans into silence and submission.

So conservatives oppose the specifically left wing cultural priorities of the anointed and also their more general assault on cognitive egalitarian. On the ordinary Americans capacity, cultural or common sense. And that’s why ordinary Americans saw that Jay Biden was cognitive impaired way before the intellectual liberal elite. So universities and the liberal emphasis on expertise wants to convert as much of the Landscape is possible into fence staff, neatly tended carefully patrol academic preserves so that the smooth medic green lawn of science, might replace the wild brass of common sense. That traditional believe they represent the common sense of humanity that they are the center and that the strict Distinctions and elimination of religion from the public square means that liberal doctrines are religious neutrality unjust compel them to undergo a cognitive dissonance with common sense.

And liberals who reject that type of common sense they are not a burden. Populace and conservatives often believe that Wisdom resides with the people rather than with elites. And with regard to Joe Biden unfit for office. Right? The people saw this years ahead of the elites.

The people where the democrat or Republican, Did not want. They’re buying to run for another time.

Speaker 9: In his head, all you can do is when you… When someone’s running from president, you look at what they’ve done in the prior office. They’ve hold. Now typically you look at they serve senate? Did they make statements if they were a governor, or did they…

I mean, that’s all you can point to With Trump, you can actually look did at what he did when he was president other than grover Cleveland? I mean, how often can you look to someone and say, well what did they do? The last time they were president, , if they’ve had a break since they’ve run, and he basically gave support to Israel full stop, and I I expect they’ll do the same thing, I I expect he and his team and the kind of pee would surround himself would do the same thing this time, and he alluded to that in the debate last week. That he would give he’s Israel, the resources they need to win generally. Now he’s specifically talking about the War against Sam, but I think he would apply to any Israel’s enemy.

Speaker 10: Dan, I listened to Michael Murphy podcast. It’s 1 of the few I don’t like, and I like Mike a lot. I’ve known him for a long time since 2008, but it was extremely cynical. And I believe he has a little bit of Trump arrangement syndrome because of his biting comments about the former president. I understand that.

I don’t wanna be cynical about American politics. He was insufficient shocked about the president of the United States. But because people have to under… It never actually worked in the White House than I have and you have or at least you’ve been close to it. The president is a 02:24 7 3 65 job.

We cannot have someone who was incapacitated even occasionally as president. How shocked were you? By Joe Biden condition because last night on special report. Brett asked me if I thought he’d be the nominee. I don’t think he’s gonna be the president by January, you’ve got to have capacity to do that job.

So just give me your reaction as you watch that on Thursday night.

Speaker 9: IAI was not shocked. As Uncomfortable… I was uncomfortable. It was uncomfortable to watch. But I was not shocked.

I mean, any of us who’ve been following the Biden presidency for a while, meaning, I wouldn’t say was the entire… Term, but certainly over the last year, have noticed, have seen versions of what we saw, though we haven’t seen it in an extended 90 minute situation because he hasn’t made himself available for a 90 minute , live situation. I I’ll tell you what I’m shocked by hugh. I’m shocked by the American media and the pun trees classes reaction to it. I’m shocked that they’re shocked.

That’s what I’m shocked about. And more

Speaker 10: and more reporters I’ve spoken to

Speaker 9: in the last few days, have said to me, , We really missed this 1. We… We we completely miss when there’s clearly something wrong. It wasn’t just a bad night. There’s there’s some kind of declining.

Faculty situation going on that has probably been going on for a while, and we missed it. And now hugh, they’re all gonna cover it like intensely because they feel embarrassed. They feel shocked. They feel like they hadn’t been doing their job. And so you have now knew went from no reporters covering Joe biden.

To God knows how many reporters are now trying to, like, get every detail about every signal about every pre bread bread crumb about his condition. And so I I think it makes… I’m not saying he’s not gonna be president in

Speaker 0: Okay. Here is a major Hollywood Mega Ari Emmanuel torch Joe Biden.

Speaker 2: Alright. Democrats are jumping out of the window, what are you thinking?

Speaker 11: Well, I’m pissed off at the founding fathers. They had the start date of 35. They just didn’t give us the end date. And, well, everybody died, so they didn’t have to give the end date. I don’t wanna deal with Donald Trump and what he said was true.

That’s it’s given certain things. I’m not gonna talk about Cnn. Here’s what Biden did. He said he was gonna run for 1 term and he’s doing it to restore democracy. He now runs for a second term.

First ben M milwaukee as he would say. Then he says that this is for the… It’s a , quintessential thought about saving democracy and so important, etcetera. He he… They his…

His cohorts has told us that he’s healthy. For over a year. And I think it was 2 weeks ago there it was Na in Wall street journal. And I had a father who was died at 92, but at 60 at 81, I took a away car. And it’s a very simple test for me.

If you were driving from way they I understand from downtown Beverly Hills to Malibu, you want buy to do it at night? Would you want trump to do it night or neither? If the answer is neither. You cannot have them running a 27000000000000 dollar company called the United States? K.

And then we sat in a situation where he went to France. For the Ad anniversary and talked about the sacrifice that those soldiers made for us. So He has said, , and his his cohorts have said, he’s the only 1 that is defeated Trump. It… Does seem like Donald Trump says, he Donald Trump said, I’m the only 1 I alone can save.

Make Quality these phones go away. And now biden is saying, I’m the only 1 that can beat Trump. Seems like it’s pretty similar here, and we have a great bench in the damn democratic party. And so We’re looking at a man who’s saying the other guy’s a liar, and he’s telling us m, his people are.

Speaker 0: Okay. Bill Maher. Wait. Wait. I can’t.

Can’t play Bill maher. I’ll get get a notice from Hbo, my error. So doug on it. III made a mistake here. Okay.

What do we got? Alright. We got a a throw back here to Kamala Harris. Coming out to greet Chris Cuomo, who can who can forget this glorious time

Speaker 7: Good to see you, senator. Thank you for joining us

Speaker 12: I appreciate it.

Speaker 2: How are you? Anna, thank you guys And my pronouns are she her on hers?

Speaker 0: She her her? Mine too. Hi, Donald Trump here on Kamala harris.

Speaker 13: She has some bad moments. Her moments are almost as bad. As says, I think his are worse, actually. Yeah. But

Speaker 9: She seems pretty seen at all too.

Speaker 13: She speaks in in Rhyme. , it’s weird. It’s weird. But she has bad moments and…

Speaker 9: Rhyme. What do he…

Speaker 13: Well, the way she talks, the bus will go here and then the bus will go there because that’s what buses do. And It’s weird. The whole thing is weird. This is not a president of the United States future. And I think they probably have some…

Speaker 0: Okay. This is Kamala Harris discovering that Alex normal

Speaker 3: 02:40 volts, but you can go ahead and plug in and

Speaker 2: Okay.

Speaker 3: That’s it.

Speaker 11: Yeah. There

Speaker 2: we are.

Speaker 3: That’s it.

Speaker 2: And there’s no sound or do.

Speaker 3: There there is nothing. Yeah yeah. And that’s all

Speaker 2: all I used to.

Speaker 3: Every morning.

Speaker 2: Filling our tank. We we you usually can smell it and and you could hear it. You can hear the gu sound.

Speaker 3: Right.

Speaker 2: None of that. So how do I know exactly we’re.

Speaker 3: It is Typically once…

Speaker 0: Okay. Kamala Harris. K

Speaker 2: And so just little… 1 minute. I have 1 in

Speaker 13: it. Yep.

Speaker 2: Kosher salt, fresh ground pepper. Maybe chop up a little time, and just… And then you can mix it even little… Okay. So do the salt and pepper all over.

Like, like just like lat that baby Right? On the outside in the cavity. You could also chop up through… But not with the time, just the salt pepper.

Speaker 13: Mh.

Speaker 2: Mix that up also with some time, you could even do a little rosemary if you want under the skin with some butter. Before you’re gonna cook it.

Speaker 9: U.

Speaker 2: So that that that butter will just melt

Speaker 13: in there.

Speaker 2: And then get a nice big bottle of of cheap white wine to based butter. Yes. Hi. Okay. Yes.

He’s gonna fresh turkey.

Speaker 11: Yeah.

Speaker 0: Okay. This is from fro.

Speaker 2: I’m looking for Jewish goya. Strike.

Speaker 0: Come on now. Alright. Joe Biden a week into office. They told

Speaker 14: to be delivered this summer. And some of it will come as early begin to come in early summer, but by the mid by the summer that this vaccine will be there. And the order… And and and and that increases the total vaccine order in the United States by 50 percent. From 400000000 order to 600000000.

This enough vaccine to fully vaccinate 300 americans by end of the summer, the beginning of the the fall. But we wanna make… Look, that’s… I wanna repeat it’ll be enough to fully vaccinate 300 American.

Speaker 0: Okay. What about Barack obama? Apparently he’s views behind the scenes? Quite different than the things he he says publicly. So…

Speaker 4: Very cute he’s putting a spin on the bottom line, but it is. The bottom line. Joe’s gotta go. Democrats need a young inspiring candidate who will unite the base, and there’s only 1 person who seems to be able to to do that. Michelle Obama.

She’s the only democrat who’s pulling ahead of Trump in the polls and it does look to be in that hypothetical match up up by 11. So could we see a full out obama coupe? Not a chance. But look at how beloved the obama still are. When they speak…

Even behind closed doors, Democrats listen, and the message right now is loud and clear. Joe’s gotta go. A kick dot com founder k travis joins me now. On vacation for the fourth of July, Clay Travis putting in the work. Appreciate it.

Man. What do you think about the Obama and the role they’re playing behind the scenes with Biden?

Speaker 15: I think Biden is done Willow. Thanks for having me on. Happy before the July to everybody out there. Hope you’re having fabulous starts to your vacations and your holidays. I don’t see anyway that Joe Biden can be nominee.

He’s going to lose happy Donald Trump knocked him out. You are big sports guy will. This was like Ollie Frazier. They wanna go ahead and put Trump’s face on Ollie if you remember that famous shot. He’s got his fist in front of him, and he’s holding it as as Frazier, I believe he’s on the ground and he’s knocked him out.

That should be, I think, and I… Image. We’ve never seen anything like this in a presidential debate for a candidate to enter as potentially the favorite to win reelection and exit with his political career over tonic That’s what we saw happened in Joe biden. I think he’s finished it as we sit here 4 months out. And so democrats are calculating.

They’re trying to figure out as Kamala harris the answer. Is Michelle Obama actually being honest or in her hometown of Chicago, Illinois, could she be persuaded in a contest. Did convention to step forward. And then I can get have to think about Josh Shapiro, Governor of Pennsylvania. Also Gretchen W Governor of Michigan did Basically, the way it looks right now, Democrats had a very slim chance to win in the electoral college.

They got to sweep Wisconsin. They gotta win Michigan gotta win Pennsylvania. It’s the big 10 Trio just like it was in 20 16, just like it was in the 20 20. That is their pathway to reelection. They don’t see any way that Biden can run it.

I don’t see any way that Biden can win it. And so I think he’s doing.

Speaker 4: And, , Clay, there’s a reason, and maybe it’s the only reason we end up talking about. Michelle Obama. You pay a lot of attention to the betting markets. The betting markets right now are favoring Kamala Harris. But the problem with Kamala Harris in any analysis for example, Bob, Barack obama, who might be putting pressure to move on from Joe is…

Yeah, but you’re not moving off of a losing hand onto a winning hand. Kamala harris might a betting favorite, to win the nominee or to be the nominee as a democrat, but not to be Donald Trump. And so it’s hard to find any name. Honestly, outside of Michelle Obama where you have hope of beating Donald Trump.

Speaker 15: It also allows Democrats as you said, will to get passed in your discussion. I thought it was so well said. You’ve got a black woman that is the next person up. If she isn’t the pick if they move past her, if they don’t respect her as the choice, that it’s racist and sexist by Democrat politics standards that is unacceptable. And so it’s gonna be hard to get past Kamala, and that’s why I’ve always thought Michelle Obama as the black woman that is actually popular that Democrats would want to vote for makes more sense as a palatable option, than Kamala Harris does.

I think Combo would end up losing worse than buy it.

Speaker 4: I do as well, And I think it’s hard to come up the name that might beat Trump. Alright, Clay. Go enjoy…

Speaker 0: Okay. Found some interesting analysis on this story that I hadn’t heard before, and it’s from Epsilon theory. Alright? So they… Look at this in terms of narrative.

Speaker 16: It’s it’s what rational people do with each other. That’s it. Look That’s it. And it’s there are rules to game theory like any game. They’re rules still the game and knowing those rules, knowing how human beings, interact with each other.

It it it gives us a limbs through which to see the world to make sense of the world when what’s happening might not otherwise make sense.

Speaker 0: So, yeah. There’s no way that Hillary Clinton is running again. Too old, too frail to pale.

Speaker 16: I I love that the amber emperor’s new close. I think it’s it’s such an important story because I think the common knowledge gain that it exe. Is, 0II just think it’s the most important game that we play as as a crowd as a social animal

Speaker 0: So when I was covering the pornography industry, everyone knew that Ron Jeremy was rap, but we didn’t think about him as a rap. And No 1 wrote a story about run Jeremy Rap until Ginger lynn came out on a podcast circa a 2004 and said run Jeremy Raped me.

Speaker 16: As a as an animal that…

Speaker 0: And in Hollywood, like, everyone knew that Harvey Weinstein was a rap, but it never made it into polite discourse just as most Americans have known for many years Joe Biden is to cognitive impaired to carry out the office president in the United States?

Speaker 16: That. Wants to be part of a group that be here.

Speaker 0: So what happens when something that everyone knows but it is not publicly admitted. Right? When it crosses the Rub to becoming publicly admitted, which is what happened with Joe Biden last Thursday night. Everyone everyone. Vast majority of Americans who paid any attention knew that Joe Biden was checked out mentally.

But it wasn’t part of dominant elite discourse, but then it became common knowledge. Everyone knew it, but then it became common public knowledge.

Speaker 16: Behaves differently when it is part of a group. And nowhere do you see the the tension, the tension is the right word, the tent. But and do you find me by the tension? The tension that that Denver new close explains, the tension that we want to explain about what happened after the debate is Why did people act? When do people act on what they know?

On what they see in the world? Because what we find. And this is again why the the the infer close story is so good is that people don’t act. Even though they know it’s something important.

Speaker 0: Right. We all knew that Ran Jeremy was Rap, we all knew that Harvey weinstein was Rap. But no 1 acted on it, or or did anything about it in public discourse, same with Bill Ko, everyone knew that he was rap, but these rap has kept going for decades.

Speaker 16: So, of course, the story of the Emperor’s is new close, everyone can see that the emperor… Is naked. He’s walking down the middle of the street, Naked is a jay bird. And everyone in the crowd sees it. We all know he’s naked.

We all we all have that Ain’t the guy’s naked. But we don’t do anything about it. We go about our business. We applaud we say, oh, yeah…

Speaker 0: Okay. I like Molly Hemingway. So let’s see what Molly Hemingway has to say.

Speaker 4: Porting what we’ve been saying for years. The New York Times just put out this piece saying Biden lapses are said to be increasingly common and worrisome. The time says in the months leading up to debate. Several current and former officials, and others who encountered him behind closed doors noticed that increasingly he appeared confused or list or would lose the threat of conversations. So now they’re changing their tune on the hoax is they’ve been using to prop up Joe Biden less than 2 weeks ago.

The New York times wrote about cheap fakes. Videos. They said we’re clearly manipulated to make him look old and confused. While there’s cut them out of vital context to portray him in negative light. It’s not what they’re saying anymore though.

The times now admitting as evidenced by video footage, mister Biden is not the same today as he was when he took office 3 and a half years ago. Oh, the recent moments of disoriented orientation generated concern.

Speaker 0: This is such a low Iq perspective. Right, Peter Baker of the New York Times wrote the first serious story about Joe Biden decline back in 20 22. So the New York Times has done far better than virtually, every other news outlet in covering Joe Biden mental cognitive decline. Why hasn’t Fox News covered in a serious way? Right, why Will cain Hemingway, created facts on the ground and advance the story.

Speaker 4: And among advisors and allies alike. They went from telling you not to believe your eyes to asking you to open your eyes wider Mollie Hemingway is the editor chief of the Federal list. , Mollie, I know it sounds like the obvious point to make, but sometimes you just have to hammer the obvious point how can or should any of these people or any of these institutions ever be trusted on any subject?

Speaker 17: That’s exact, the main takeaway that people should have from what we’ve witnessed in the last week. As , hours before last week’s debate. You had many members, click in corporate media claiming that stories and video evidence of, Joe Biden problems with civility and mental acuity, were a conspiracy theory that they were misinformation and disinformation. They aren’t telling the truth now. All that’s happened is that our media are worried about their ability to drag Joe Biden across the finish line in November.

And so now they are, yes, telling some, , accurate things about Joe Biden mental situation it’s not because they’re truth tellers. It’s because they seek power and they realize that the task has become too difficult with Joe Biden at the head of the party. But

Speaker 4: And it just… It makes me wonderful. I think any of us that do this for a living want this thing that we do.

Speaker 0: So I saw an earlier interview this morning where Wi and howard it Per, the Box News media critic were both being interviewed and Wi just took up so much time with his per Low Iq perspectives that how howard it kurt Barely got to say anything.

Speaker 4: For a living to be better. Than the 6 state it’s in today, media. Right? And so you do wonder. Well, will the public ever understand.

If they’re willing to go to these extent to lie, on the capacity of the leader of the free world, won’t they go to these same links on any other number of subjects and the public open their eyes about the media.

Speaker 17: Right. People have been talking about…

Speaker 0: What why didn’t the conservative media blow the story wide open and subs it.

Speaker 17: Pretty serious media bias, , since the since the sixties even in the eighties, it was a big deal. What we’ve seen in the last 6 to 8 years goes well beyond bias into outright propaganda and lying on behalf of political allies, and against political opponents. It’s not just that they lied about Joe Biden situation because they worried that if they were to tell the truth that it might help republicans. It’s that they lie about every single issue of importance and they’ve been doing it for years. They’re doing it now, and they’re gonna do it in the future.

And so Americans who care about their country who are worried about the situation that we’re in because of these media lies, should be thinking long and hard about whether to take anything they say with any degree of trust, barring, , other evidence. And I wanna point out if what they were saying, is right now And if they’re really concerned about Joe Biden mental acuity, why aren’t their stories focused on the fact that he’s currently the sitting president? Instead of just that they’re worried that he’s currently the nominee for the 20 24. I mean, makes to overstate the obvious.

Speaker 0: If he… Elliot Says bro. Conservative talk radio has been all over this. Yeah. They been all over this by sharing their opinions and their common sense, but they haven’t it subs the story.

Right? Saying that we never landed on the moon. Right? Various people like the equivalent of Alex Jones have been all over that story, but they never subs it. So just being all over a story by giving your opinions does not advance a story.

Right? It it’s just giving your opinions.

Speaker 17: Can’t run for president. He can’t be president for the next 7 months. He can’t be in charge of our military. He can’t, , we’ve got a very delicate global such situation. And yet the media are just focused on the political horse race because that’s what they care about political power, not the country’s well being.

Speaker 4: Absolutely. They’re they’re they’re ready to tell this truth not because they’re concerned about the country, but they’re concerned about their ability to win about…

Speaker 0: Okay. Pretty lower queue analysis there from Fox

Speaker 16: news. Because we… We’re we’re somehow not sure. Which I’m not sure that our own eyes are telling us the truth. And we see with our own eyes, the adviser.

Speaker 0: So I I think that’s too harsh there on Elliot Platt point. Right. The good thing about conservative talk radios, all sorts of things that 1 sees as an obvious truth such as Joe Biden cognitive decline can be discussed and and validated in the talk radio community. 1 So if you have narratives and they find no support in your life, alright? You’re gonna lose those narratives.

Alright? You have to have support. For your stories for your narratives for your perspectives on the world and talk radio provided support for a very valid an important perspective that Jay Biden was cognitive not up to the task of being president in the United States. So, yeah, good on talk radio for creating that space and creating a community where such obvious truths could be discussed in chad.

Speaker 16: Person in the court of the emperor who walking along pretending as if he’s wearing some fine, suit of clothes. So we say, okay. I’m not gonna trust my own judgment it, my own my own knowledge. I just I’ll just go along. Until, and this is what crap.

Speaker 0: But those things that you can’t say out loud such as group differences. Right, they they start not getting believed as clearly. Right? If you can’t say something out loud, it won’t have as much reality for you. And so you need to find a community, where you can discuss obvious truths such as group differences, Jay Biden is mentally incapacitated.

Speaker 16: Facts. Common knowledge. This is what changes common knowledge. Common knowledge being what we all know that we all know. It’s not what we all know, because we all know the guy’s naked.

We’re not doing anything different. Well when that little girl on the crowd yells out,

Speaker 0: So when right wing is say, look, we need to be saying more of these things out loud. Right? They’ve got a good point. Now I don’t want right wing is ruining their life doing that. But truths that you can’t say out loud.

They cease being true for many people.

Speaker 16: What’s so loudly. That everyone believes that everyone else in the crowd heard that little girl say that the temper naked. That’s where everything changes. And the crucial thing here is that that little girl, and in in game theory terms, we call that little girl a missionary. Because you get up in front All the tribes people, like a missionary going to some, , tropical highlight, you get in front of everybody and you make this announcement where everybody here as you speak.

That’s the crucial thing. The crowd, sees and hears that the crowd knows that the emperor is naked, and that’s where everything changes.

Speaker 12: You had you had a great quote your piece. Behavior changes only when we believe that everyone else believes the information. That’s what changes behavior. And I was thinking about my reaction, like, if I had to rate Joe Biden cognitive abilities before and after the debate it’s probably not that different. So nothing changed, but by the same token everything changed.

Because I think people… You people probably don’t think that different than it was before, but people’s willingness to vote for him, , the way people see this is completely changed. Even though the facts behind the seeds made out of cheese that much.

Speaker 16: That’s right. And so III wrote a note today, are Joe Biden in the common knowledge gabe that quote that you just… Even about how everything changes in our behavior. Once we believe that everyone else believes it, that that line is actually from a much earth.

Speaker 0: Yeah. You can see a difference in people’s behavior in their confidence when they find a talk radio community and they become less little less afraid of being called racist, and they find a community where they can share obvious truths out loud and get support and and not feel so isolated.

Speaker 16: Earlier note, I wrote about Harvey Weinstein because… I I find that these real life examples, , as as good as the emperors you close as is as a story and as much as we all know the story, tying it back to a real world case that we also know, I find can be really powerful. To, the fact is with Harvey Weinstein, everyone in Hollywood, knew he was a rap and a really bad guy. They he… Yep.

It wasn’t that they all knew the emperor was naked. They all knew that Harvey Weinstein was a rap.

Speaker 0: Right. We got a hilarious new video from Donald Trump. Let’s play this.

Speaker 13: Get all broken down pilot the crap. Yeah. It’s a bad guy he just quit. , he’s quitting into this. Is that right?

Yep. I got him out of the right. And that means we have Kamala. I think she’s gonna be better. She’s so bad.

She’s so pathetic so maybe She’s a fucking man. So I just can’t imagine. But can you imagine that guy with the dealing with Putin and the president of China, who’s a fierce person. He’s a fierce man to Very tough guy. And they see them they probably.

Okay. But they just announced he’s he’s probably quitting. Correct.

Speaker 0: So Admire and I’m hot by how disciplined Donald Trump has been in staying out of the news and just allowing the the Democrats sell Mma.

Speaker 13: Do with the debate the other night. Get all broken down pile cr. Yeah. It’s a bad. Just quit.

. He’s quit Is that right? Yep. I got him out of the right. And that means we have Kamala.

I think she’s gonna be better. She’s so… That. It’s so pathetic so. If this just so fucking bad.

So I just can’t imagine but can you imagine that guy with the dealing with Putin and the president of China, who’s a fierce person. He’s a fierce man. Very tough guy. And they see they go.

Speaker 0: Alright. Let’s get back to the… From leonard discussion here.

Speaker 16: Mean they’re making jokes about it on on 30 rock. I mean, so it’s it’s not like it without some big state secrets. That Harvey Weinstein thing was a really bad guy. And by know about it, I mean, it was his business partners, his wife, actors, politicians. They all knew.

But so long as it was private knowledge, no matter how widespread. It didn’t matter. No 1 changed their behavior. Nobody, Nobody turned down a roll. No politician turned down a donation.

, nobody said, oh, you’re not welcome at our party. None of that happened. Until you had a missionary. In this case, it was Rose Mca mcdowell, goes out and because she was… She was also very famous, and because she said it so loudly.

Just like that, little girl in Hip me close, parable or or or story. Everybody heard it. All the people who had been holding this inside who knew it. Knew to be true. Their whole world changed because now they knew that everyone you.

And then their behavior change immediately. His wife divorce him, his business smarter go, oh, we’re shocked, shocked. That, , the hard Harvey Weinstein are Rap. Even though we know they already knew. They had been approving all the settlements.

Who were rating people. They were the ones who were increasing their director and officer insurance. Alright. Thank you. So Everything about their behavior changed once you had the missionary, say it so loudly and so publicly.

Even though nothing changed in what they already knew. It’s exactly your point, Jack. Right. I I mean, I was watching this and I’m saying, okay. I know what I think about Joe Biden cognitive abilities is mental confidence for a job, but I, ?

I’m still. I’m still kinda lean towards the guy, honestly, and then we all saw what we all saw. And you can just see the common knowledge change around you. And it changed it changed everything about, how I think. That that was the point of our breaking news episode last week Already I got to the point was…

Sorry. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t support the guy. And that same sort of realization, which is very sad and and just in and terribly, I I think distressing, was felt by millions of people, but that’s exactly the process Jack you’re exactly right.

Speaker 12: It was interesting to me too, like, how important you touched on this on Twitter? How important the reaction like John King on Cnn was? Like what they did right after the debate was over? It it wasn’t just what we had all seen, it was, know, democrats are scrambling behind the scenes. They’re trying to replace him, , Barack Obama’s on the phone.

Like, Can you talk about that, how important that was?

Speaker 16: Yeah. So, , my my my friend, Tom Morgan. You wrote a note and he was… Was tweeting me about this the the other day about a great example of that of the crowd starting to respond in the middle of the speech. Because I, I don’t know about you.

If you’re watching a lot of people watched it with in a small group. We knew that we were part of an enormous crowd. We knew that there were how many tens of millions of people watching it And we also mostly watched it with other people. I our family, friends, people would know to watch cardi or something like that. So you were part of the crowd and you’re you’re you’re starting to to feel the crowd around you respond to what happened.

Just almost immediately. For me it was my my Twitter feed started blowing up. I started making a few tweets also. I mean, just 3 minutes in. It’s like, oh my God.

What is going on here? And you could… Maybe you got it from your social media, maybe you got it from somebody texting you Hey, Are you watching this thing? Maybe you weren’t I’m watching it with… You start here the the the murmur of whatever group you were with watching the debate.

So the crowd starts to hear the crowd respond. And I met my friend our friend Tom Morgan because he was tweeting me about another case like this, which was Nicolas Cha. The dictator of Romania. This is 19 89. He starts giving a speech to tell speech.

And the audience starts yelling back at him. And he starts they start tackling him. And he starts yelling back at the audience, and this is all being televised. And with like a week, the government falls. It’s done.

Stunned. It’s all because the crowd that crowd at the Palace Square whatever it was called in Romania and B. It gets televised to the much larger crowd. The crowd sees a crowd responding in a certain way, and that’s what drives this common knowledge formation. So all of us, the crowd, we are seeing other crowds start to respond in real time to the talk.

And the most, I think impactful crowd was what you’re mentioning, Jack, the Cnn panel immediately at the conclusion of the debate. Where and, , these things are are very scripted and very highly produced. So everyone knows what’s happening and they go directly to John King, and he says, right off the bat. No him or hauling, no message. , what I’m hearing, again, he’s not giving his direct opinion, He’s telling you what he’s hearing from his crowd.

What I’m hearing is that Biden needs to go. Right off the bat. And it’s… These were the these are the kind of little missionaries. This is the crowd watching the crowd itself, give the reaction And that’s what makes the trickle into a tidal wave.

Speaker 18: When he says it that way when I’m hearing. Mh. There’s something else I feel like that happens in that moment. Because when he says what I’m hearing, everybody else who’s watching it goes pay me too. Like there isn’t an incredible validation that happens in that little moment.

Hey There’s a ripple.

Speaker 16: Is exactly right. But and and and and and it’s and it’s very intentional. And you’ll see it all the time on these on these panels of talking heads and the like. You… There are only a few people who have the called the missionary star power to say, I think x.

And the missionary throughout this whole thing, 1 of those people with that incredible missionary star power was the fact Joe Biden himself. I mean, Joe Biden was himself, the little girl saying, oh, my God, the emperor hasn’t no close. It’s saying it’s so loudly. And they match you’re absolutely right. So

Speaker 0: so Nate Silva thinks it’s obvious that Jay Biden must resign. And his tweet, it’s an alliance of the center and the left against extremely dumb hacks at this point, the hacks, meaning the J Biden administration.

Speaker 16: So everyone else he wants to have a voice, and that’s why they’re panel on these Cnn things. They… They’re good at this. John King’s very good at this. So and he’s not inserting me what John King thinks because as as recognizable as he is, he doesn’t have the missionary star power, that Biden does and Obama does, the pretty much anyone does.

I’m hard pressed to think of anyone. On those panels that has that kind of independent missionary power. So what you do, you say, well, I’m I’m talking to other people Other influential people are telling me this is a disaster. This is a problem. The guys gotta go.

And it is incredibly validating that. In both the way you describe that… Okay. He’s also hearing from other people just like I was on my, , twitter feed or Dms with a like. He’s…

I’m I’m hearing that too and We humans are hardwired to respond powerfully if…

Speaker 0: Sorry we gotta comment in the chat. How did Americans? But Jay Biden cognitive decline. Meaning, this overseas perspective is that Americans are are more.

Speaker 16: We see a group of other humans behaving in a certain way. It we we are we are literally hardwired to respond that way, so that when Giant King says, I’m hearing for lots of people, it’s exactly why Trump says , right.

Speaker 0: We’re wired to be social animals. Right? We’re we’re wired to live our lives in the middle of the mob. Not not to be pursuing an individual strategy just off on the margins.

Speaker 16: Many people say, everyone says. If the same reason then the New York times says experts say, that construction that linguistic construction to say that lots of people are saying something, It’s very powerful, and it it it it changes way we think about thing.

Speaker 12: And also with someone like John King, , my assumption watching, it is, these are very powerful people. You, he seems to be a very connected guy. At least the way you watch it. So it’s like he he’s talking to high level people or something. You, Don’t know that’s true.

But that’s the way Saw it, like watching.

Speaker 16: Of course, Upgrade and and that didn’t in It’s the power of someone on a stage or behind the microphone or in front of the camera. We as sc to them a importance.

Speaker 0: Right. We have a a common knowledge moment where something that only conservatives were noticing is now…

Speaker 19: I just got honest. I mean… Everybody comes on the air and says all this great stuff. But behind the scenes. It’s full scale panic.

People are, passing around legal memos, Pdfs are flying back and forth on whatsapp trying to figure out what are the options? How can you replace Biden? How how do you get them to do it? A way where you feels respected as he should be respected, who should Kamala harris, vice president be the conversation on air and the conversation off air are completely different. In a And so it’s the same thing what you saw with with the with the trump situation where people would come on aaron to Defend Trump, and then you talk to people and then we got a crazy candidate.

We don’t have a crazy candidate. We have a great candidate. We have AAA beautiful man. We have someone who loves this country. We have someone who has given his all.

I mean, hits all to the last. Drop for this country, but he may not be able to get across the finish line and a mature party has to take that into account. And that is what’s happening. And so, look, I I understand. People wanna, , the defend and protect him and give him their space

Speaker 0: Right Van Jones is a… Compelling comment. Right? The guy just ooze charisma. And a disproportionate number of the most charismatic people, Right, who most compel your attention are are black.

Alright. Just charisma losing out the.

Speaker 16: That whether… True or not. I mean, maybe it’s says, , John King’s uncle who just texting him. I don’t think seattle. Right?

But it’s But but yes. Yes. That’s exactly right, Jack. It’s all it’s all designed to give you that impression. Because we’re hardwired to respond positively to it.

Speaker 12: Once something like this becomes becomes common knowledge. Is there anything that could be done? I mean is there an appearance on 60 minutes he could do, is there a better performance in the next debate? Is there anything that can be done at this point?

Speaker 16: Nope. Nope. I I mean, I’d love to tell you there is, but destroyed answer is no. There’s not. You can’t…

And the reason I say that, and the reason I say that so emphatic and definitively is it goes back to this notion of game theory that there are rules to these games. And this of the games for whether it’s condom mileage or, , we’ve all heard probably of the prisoners dilemma game, the game of chicken. You there there are rules to these games and they have… Alright, 10 dollar phrase alert, equilibrium outcome. And all that means is, they have a stopping point.

They have a winner. I mean, it may not be a winner. Right. But it is a stopping point. It’s a stopping point.

It’s may not be a permanent stopping point, but It’s a it’s a strong stopping point. That’s all that’s all that phrase means an equilibrium. So there is an equilibrium to the common knowledge game. It takes a lot to move it. It takes a lot to form it.

But once it’s formed, it’s it’s quite stable. So there there… There’s no ringing this bell.

Speaker 0: Yeah. J Jay Biden is sunk.

Speaker 16: And And I’ll I’ll it to you, which is that we’re all looking for Biden next flood. We’re all looking for it. what I’m saying. You need, I’m right. what I’m right.

And I know I’m right because Cnn was looking for it that night. That night. So they they keep the cameras on after the debate is over. Trump walks off the stage. Joe Biden comes on.

Good job, honey. The cameras stay on. The cameras linger. The cameras are waiting and watching to see how does he exit the stage? And sure enough, , he needs help getting down 3 inch stairs.

Steps, not stairs steps, 2 steps. They needs help. It was not an accident if the camera was on. It was no accident that that whole night, The comment said no. No.

Let’s let’s flip back to , Joe and Joe are doing their little post celebratory thing there. With a crowd. It’s no axle they all went back this. No axle the cameras were on because now, this is this is the game. We’re all waiting for the next inevitable flu and moment of frail and cognitive decline, and it’s gonna come.

Because we all know it. That’s the other reason why this was so powerful. You can’t don’t try to tell me, oh, he had a cold or oh he had a ras voice. We’ve all had parents and grandparents. We’ve all had this conversation with our partners and spouses and siblings about what to do.

We all know it. We all know he’s got a stu, and we all know this ain’t that. We all know it. And after T, we all know that we all know. And so it never goes away.

This is the new equilibrium, this is a new outcome. For the rest of his life, Joe Biden is going to be watch. Every public statement, every public step, every public. Appearance, he’s people were watching him for before the fuck up. I mean, can you imagine we how hey.

How awful it would be to have to go through life like that. And goes what makes a lot of us so angry. So it makes a lot of us so angry.

Speaker 18: I wanna take this. To the Zeitgeist because I think this is this is the question. This is no longer where… So I as a person with a lot of background in improvisation things in in my life.

Speaker 0: Alright. So these guys specialize in the power of narrative and a good tweet here. Biden technically has the power to decide if he stays in the race, but this ignores the underlying fact that the Democratic National committee never plays by the rules may take a bit, but if the by Democratic national committee power brokers have decided, they want Biden out. I believe he will ultimately be out.

Speaker 18: And stuff like this. The beauty about doing something that’s improvisation based to be it, like, music or jazz or anything, improv comedy if you want. In front of a group is The audience is basically rooting for you to fail and then delighted with surprise when to succeed. But their… The the tension is created by you can’t possibly do this.

Hundred. This is not that. This is… You can’t possibly do this and I’m actually I’m kinda rooting for the failure in the Mh. There’s no speech where he turns around, and all of a sudden it’s, like, oh always he’s bad.

Speaker 0: So Nellie Balls is a liberal she writes for the free press. And here’s a piece today, the opening. When the legacy media encounters inconvenient fact, Biden age, say, or hunters laptop or the lab link or the complexity of activity blockers or the riots for the summer 20 20, It likes to take some time to process the problem and arrive at a professional consensus. So reporters need to discuss the issue over dinner to ring their hands about what to do to get yelled out for possible thought crimes by a righteous angry intern, mo some more, get yelled out again by another intern to have more drinks and more meetings. There is no rush to tell the American public about anything inconvenient.

It’s important to be careful to keep that information private for a year, maybe 2 years, maybe 3 years.

Speaker 18: Back. There’s no off night from this. You you said you said in the these? No democratic she’s a future for themselves in politics is going to commit wholeheartedly to the Biden Harris campaign. Now.

This is the Zeitgeist. What the heck happens next?

Speaker 16: The campaign is finished. The 20 24, Biden here his campaign is finished. They may not know it yet. But it’s done. It’s over.

It you can’t be… This is not fixable a bowl. You can’t go out the next day and read a speech from a tele. And people like, oh, he’s fine. Not after Thursday night.

You could before, and that’s what like the state of the union. We just out there already he reads up from a tele. Great, he can read.

Speaker 18: There’s no surprise and delight of the crowd from that success. So this is the problem here.

Speaker 16: There’s only nope. Nope. Exactly. We’re we’re all done and… And everybody will notice I will he’s just reading from the tele problem.

And and everyone, every media every reporter is now looking for the flu. And They’re not, nobody’s one’s trying to cover it up anymore. No one’s trying to look away. Nobody’s everybody’s trying to say, oh, it’s just partisan. Everyone’s looking for it.

Everyone’s looking for. And… And they’re gonna find it because he’s 81 freaking years old, and we all know what’s going on. We all know what’s happening here. So what’s next?

Matt is it’s over. And and It’s over, but no 1, it’s in no one’s advantage. Who sees a future for themselves and democratic politics to say it’s over. You don’t want to be the guy that’s seen is sticking the knife into Biden back. It’s By at the same time, you do not want to be associated with Every 1 of Biden cabinet.

Appoint es, they’re like Harvey Weinstein business partners. They knew. They’ve known all along. But now it matters because we all know that we all know. So they’re trying to distance themselves.

Every 1 of them, every 1 of them is trying to distance themselves. They’ll say night I’ll say nice thing. Things in public. Yeah. But I promise you every 1 of them is trying to flee this sinking ship as fast as humanly possible.

Speaker 0: Okay. Great analysis there from a new Youtube channel that I’ve discovered called Epsilon theory an analysis of the power of narrative. That’s gonna do it for me. Take care. Bye bye.