WP: ‘Could Clinton’s and Netanyahu’s common love of ‘Hamilton’ aid the cause of Mideast peace?’

No. Different groups have different interests. Shared love of a Broadway musical won’t bring Arabs and Jews together. As long as there is a Jewish state in their midst, Arabs will hate it because its prosperity shows them up.

Washington Post:

In a conference call Thursday with more than 500 American rabbis and Jewish leaders, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton emphasized her commitment to Israel — as well as the fact that both she and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu love the musical “Hamilton.”

Could the Broadway hit help foster Mideast peace? Most likely, not. But no one can question the two politicians’ sincere interest. Clinton’s seen it three times, she said according to one of the call’s participants. And on Sunday — the same day Netanyahu met separately with Clinton and GOP nominee Donald Trump — the prime minister stopped by the Strand bookstore to purchase Ron Chernow’s biography of the nation’s first Treasury secretary.

According to a Clinton campaign aide, Clinton joined a call with Director of Jewish Outreach Sarah Bard and Rabbi Julie Schonfeld “to wish the community ‘Shana Tovah’ and thank them for the work they have been doing on the ground to organize their communities.” The call came 48 hours before the start of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

Clinton spoke of her deep appreciation for the late Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres, at whose funeral her husband will speak on Friday. Listening to Peres was “like listening to a psalm,” Clinton said, according to one participant.

The former secretary of state also said she and Netanyahu discussed her commitment to Israel’s security, to continue working for peace, and to protecting Israel from delegitimization in international arenas.

How stupid does this newspaper think people are?

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Chaim Amalek: Remember, goyim: white supremacism is dead. Long live White Zionism!

All people deserve their own ethno-state! Jews! Gentiles! Every people. We all prefer to spend time around people like ourselves and to develop our national destiny without interference by outsiders.

Friend: “Stupid goy – ethnostates are for Yids.”



Gothamist: “UWS Parents: We’re Being ‘Punished’ In The Name of Diversity”

Chaim Amalek writes: Nebech, these are my people, my neighbors! These people have paid vast amounts of money to live here. $2M gets you a two bedroom apartment in a nondescript building here. Or you could rent same for $5k/month. Shouldn’t that be enough to shield their children from the wrong kinds of diversity?

Ha…I know one of the protestors, sort of. Friend of a friend. Met her at a Hannukah party on the UWS years ago. Husband is a millionaire investment banker. Do you really want to drive these people out of New York City’s public school system? Who would gain by that?

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An Alt-Zionism Take On The First Debate

Ari Ben Canaan blogs:

3) “Race determines where people live, and race determines what kind of education people can get” – Hillary ‘Jared Taylor’ Clinton

While it remains taboo to explicitly refer to black educational failure, self-segregation and criminality as ‘black educational failure’, ‘black self-segregation’, and ‘black criminality’, the fact of the matter is that White Americans are not ignorant about the nature of black behavior. This ‘redpilled’ moment of Hillary’s makes this clear (note her admission that it’s race that determines black behavior, rather than racism). The average Bernie Sanders supporter, walking alone at night down a Brooklyn or Adams Morgan street, still crosses to the other side when he sees a black military-age male walking towards him.

This tacit acceptance of the empirical facts about race, even if whites refuse to acknowledge their own acceptance of these facts, works in our favor. It’s a lot easier to redpill someone who already knows, deep down, that race matters. Perhaps there’s hope for Hillary yet.

4) Re: Hillary on ‘vibrant’ black churches – why are whites obsessed with calling blacks ‘vibrant’? Really, ‘vibrant’ just sounds like a euphemism for the more historically familiar White chacterizations of black behavior: impulsive, emotional, obsessed with displays of status, etc. This seems to be more evidence that just about all Whites are unwitting race realists.

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Brett Stevens writes: …on the Right there is often talk about “Zionism” as being a horrible evil which intends to take over the world, forgetting that Zionism is an assertion of Nationalism—the idea that Jews need their own state, and all Jews belong there, where they can control their destiny and live according to their ways.

Its opposite is diaspora thinking, or the idea that Jews should live in every country on earth and try to be dual citizens there. The extreme of diaspora thinking is the idea that Jews must be exterminated because they corrupt these nations, and having them have a nation of their own is impossible.

Back when Ben Shapiro was writing most ardently on this issue, he stated the case for Nationalism as a way for high-IQ populations to defend themselves against assimilation by the much numerically superior third world populations:

“Here is the bottom line: If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the only solution. And it is far less ugly than the prospect of bloody conflict ad infinitum. When two populations are constantly enmeshed in conflict, it is insane to suggest that somehow deep-seated ideological change will miraculously occur, allowing the two sides to live together.

Unfortunately, this insanity is generally accepted as ‘the only way forward.’ President Bush accepts it because it is politically palatable. The Arabs accept it because for them, it is a Trojan horse. The Israelis accept it because they are afraid that if they expel the Arabs, they will be called Nazis.”

In Israel, Jews have the ability to live as they want according to their cultural mandate. The more people act against Israel, the more the diaspora persists, creating the usual diversity conflict which is that multiple groups living in the same place prevents a value system from being chosen and upheld.

In the West, we live through the same invasion, not just of Muslims but of many other third world groups who reproduce faster than we do, and will replace us with a mixed-race population that has third-world levels of ability, moral character, and inclination to social order.

For Israel to survive, it must adopt a policy of exclusion not just of Palestinians but all others. When this happens, the presumptive victims of Nationalism during the Second World War will have validated it as a necessary principle, and the rest of us can begin to adopt it from our countries, which are also under risk of third world assimilation.

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Colin Kaepernick vs. Steve Clevenger

Paul Kersey writes:

Mulatto Colin Kaepernick is lionized by the Main Stream Media for disrespecting the American flag, but the MSM, the plutocratic owners of professional sports teams and the parasitical multicultural grievance industry have combined to destroy white catcher Steve Clevenger for speaking out against violent black riots. What, you thought the U.S. was a free country?

The Seattle Mariners has suspended catcher Steve Clevenger for the remainder of the Major League Baseball season over controversial tweets in which he called the Black Lives Matter movement and President Barack Obama “pathetic.”

Clevenger posted a series of comments on Twitter on Thursday, two days after Keith Lamont Scott, a 43-year-old black man, was fatally shot by police in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The Mariners catcher appeared to suggest that those protesting against Scott’s shooting should be locked up “like animals.” He also mocked athletes who have been protesting by kneeling during the national anthem at sports events.

“Black people beating whites when a thug got shot holding a gun by a black officer haha s–t cracks me up! Keep kneeling for the anthem!” Clevenger tweeted on Thursday.

“BLM is pathetic once again! Obama is pathetic once again! Everyone involved should be locked behind bars like animals,” another tweet from his account read.

Mariners general manager Jerry Dipoto quickly responded to Clevenger’s tweets, saying in a statement Thursday that the organization “strongly” disagreed with the player’s comments and that it was “examining all internal options” regarding the player.

“The Seattle Mariners are very disappointed at the tweets posted on Steve Clevenger’s account,” Dipoto said in the statement. “While he is certainly free to express himself, his tweets do not in any way represent the opinions of the Seattle Mariners. We strongly disagree with the language and tone of his comments. We are currently examining all internal options that are available to us as we determine appropriate next steps. We will have no further comment at this time.”

[Seattle Mariners Suspend Steve Clevenger Over Tweets Labeling Black Lives Matter, Obama ‘Pathetic’, By Morgan Winsor, ABC News, September 24, 2016]

Bottom line: Steve Clevenger exercised his 1st Amendment right—but quickly discovered free speech only exists if you are repeating already approved Talking Points. The national conversation about race is really just a one-way monologue where whites are always the villains and non-whites are victims.

colinConsider: Time Magazine put the national anthem-protesting NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick on the cover of its September 22 issue, with a flattering profile of the mulatto millionaire hailing him for starting a “necessary conversation” on the relationship between blacks and police. [All Across the Country, Athletes Are Fueling a Debate About How America Defines Patriotism, by Sean Gregory , Time, September 22, 2016]

The white commissioner of the NFL, Roger Goodell, has, on multiple occasions, praised Kaepernick and other black players for starting a “white people are always wrong” conversation (-monologue) on race:

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says the league will encourage players to use their voice to promote social change as the demonstrations during the national anthem started by San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick last month continue to spread to other teams.

…Goodell told a group of reporters the movement from “protests to progress” is a positive sign.

“As I’ve said before, I truly respect our players wanting to speak out and change the community,” Goodell said. “We don’t live in a perfect society. We want them to use that voice. And they’re moving from protests to progress and trying to make things happen in the communities. And I admire that about our players, on(being) willing to do that.

[Roger Goodell praises player demonstrations for going from ‘protests to progress,’ by Tom Pelissero, USA Today, September 19, 2016]

But Goodell denied the Dallas Cowboys’ request to wear a decal honoring the five white police officers gunned-down by a Black Lives Matter-inspired terrorists [NFL denies Cowboys’ request to wear decal honoring fallen Dallas officers, FoxNews,August 12, 2016].

And he enthusiastically championed Kaepernick’s protest–even though it has led to a sharp drop in the ratings.

In contrast, Major League baseball’s Clevenger’s treatment is worse even that what happened to John Rocker. He was forced to undergo “diversity training” (= brainwashing) after cuckthe infamous Sports Illustratedarticle quoting him back in 2000. “Chilling” is the only word that can describe Clevenger’s swift suspension [Mariners suspend Steve Clevenger after inflammatory tweets, ESPN, September 23, 2016]

Note that ludicrous cuck Skip Bayless, a white sports pundit for Fox Sports 1, called for Clevenger’s immediate release from the team. He also showily virtue-signaled by loudly proclaiming he was “ashamed to share this man’s [Clevenger] skin color”:

I am appalled that another white American — a professional athlete no less — is capable of typing these thoughts in a public forum, in two different tweets, and actually hitting “send.” You want to talk about showing your true colors in public?

[Skip Bayless: ‘I Am Embarrassed to Share the Same Skin Color’ as MLB Player Who Put Out Racist Tweets, by Joe Depaolo, Mediaite, September 23, 2016]

Welcome to Occupied America. White professional athletes have to either shut up or run the risk of being suspended without pay, with white sportscasters calling for your banishment from the sport. Read more.


* These two incidents speak volumes about the racial double-standards that have taken root in America.

They also prove to us that a ‘hostile elite’ now dominates our culture and media.

Part of this immediate problem has to do with the outlook and identity of the owners of many professional sports franchises. Yet the problem far bigger than that.

Modern taboos against white racial identity are vast and deep. And decades in the making. Even the SCOTUS has played an enormous role in this unhealthy transformation.

White schools and neighborhoods must be integrated by law. But minority neighborhoods and ‘communities’ may remain proudly separate if they choose.

Where’s the ‘equal treatment under law’?

In this new progressive universe, some groups are definitely more equal than others. The media treatment of Kaepernik and Clevenger epitomize this bizarre and poisonous phenomena.

These double-standards are an assault on white citizens and white America.

Is saying this still legal? It may not be for long.

Meanwhile, elite media has gotten in the habit of instructing Americans how to think about race, about American history, human history and where our civilization is supposed to be going. And they have no interest in providing their adversaries ‘equal time’.

If the dominant force has its way, where white Americans are going is in a direction of less freedom and less influence in the civilization that they and their ancestors created.

Unlike certain ‘minorities’, white Americans are prohibited from coalescing along racial lines, to identify openly as a racial group with group interests, or to enjoy the same rights of free speech and freedom of association that victim groups enjoy.

Worse still, these injurious transformations are likely to accelerate under a Clinton presidency.

Fortunately, these media-driven incidents are becoming a rallying point for white Americans who are slowly waking up to reality.

White Americans are witnessing the fraud and failure of ‘non-racial, anti-discriminatory’ liberalism. Racism is merely kinship writ large. It’s everywhere. The racist antics of a coddled, millionaire football player only prove it.

Sadly, Y Pluribus Unum is dead. But don’t blame its demise on white America. They tried.

* Football isn’t handling this as badly as I thought. Goodell is being less of a cuck than I expected — his comments don’t give the protesters what they really wanted, but steer them toward more constructive outlets. The real issue is at the team level. Kaepernick’s team still employs him but they would have to pay him anyway, and he hasn’t seen the field. Maybe he’ll get cut after the season for football reasons. The right thing to do is not to attend games, at least of teams that behave badly.

And focus on other sports that seem to be catching this contagion.

How would San Diego baseball do if no white fans came to the stadium for the rest of this year, and season ticket sales tanked for next year?

NBA season is coming up and it will be interesting. Majority black teams, highest paid athletes who don’t have super long career expectancy like in baseball. Athletes have much nicer contracts than in football — guarantees, no-trade clauses, etc. BLM stuff is being discussed in the NBA training camps.

Some smart players see the issue. At the Olympics, Carmelo Anthony stepped away from the issue, and he used to be one of the leaders of the anti-white nonsense. But Stephen Curry is being very annoying about it. What will we see, and how will largely-white NBA game attendance be affected?

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