LAT: ‘Wonder Woman’ writer Greg Rucka confirms superhero is queer

Well, that’s good to know.

REPORT: “Wonder Woman” writer Greg Rucka has confirmed that Diana of Themyscira is officially, canonically, queer.

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LAT: Immigration officials tried twice to deport Ugandan refugee fatally shot by El Cajon police

Uganda does not send us their best.

Los Angeles Times:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials had twice tried to deport a Ugandan refugee because of drug and firearm convictions before he was shot and killed this week by El Cajon police, authorities said Thursday.

Alfred Olango, 38, of El Cajon was convicted of transporting and selling narcotics and ordered in 2002 by an immigration judge to be deported, according to an ICE statement.

Immigration officials said they tried unsuccessfully multiple times to obtain travel documents from the Ugandan government so he could be deported.

Unable to send him back to his native country, ICE officials released Olango in 2003. He was placed under supervision due to a Supreme Court ruling that forbids the detention of foreign nationals with final deportation orders for more than six months if they cannot be deported “within the reasonably foreseeable future.”

“This is often due to a foreign government’s refusal to accept the repatriation of its nationals,” ICE said.

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Who Won The First Debate?

Today’s LA Times tracking poll shows Donald Trump with a six point lead over Hillary Clinton.

For the past week, Trump has been going up and Clinton down.

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WP: A spy’s unhappy wife could have turned D-Day into a disaster for the Allies

Washington Post:

But, as newly declassified British documents at Britain’s National Archives reveal, it could have gone horribly wrong had Pujol’s then-wife had her way. Reports kept by MI5, Britain’s domestic counterintelligence agency, indicated that, by mid-1943, Araceli Gonzalez was getting increasingly exasperated with life in London, homesick for Spain and her mother and eager to quit ol’ Blighty.

“I don’t want to live five minutes longer with my husband,” she is documented shouting at Pujol’s MI5 case officer, Tomas Harris. “Even if they kill me I am going to the Spanish Embassy.” Had she done so, British authorities feared, Pujol’s mission would be totally compromised. Spain’s fascist government, while technically a nonbelligerent during World War II, had obvious ties to the Axis powers.

The newly declassified documents show how Pujol and his British handlers managed to subdue his wife’s protestations through coercion and deception. The language used to describe Gonzalez’s demeanor is unkind. She was 23, living in a tiny flat in gray and war-ravaged London, spoke little to no English, and was coping with a newborn while her husband was gone most hours of the day.

“She is a highly emotional and neurotic woman and therefore I have never definitely disillusioned her in her hopes that she might be allowed to see her mother before the termination of the war,” Harris wrote. Other documents indicate that British officials attempted to calm Gonzalez with a present of silk stockings, which were in short supply during wartime.

They placed a watch on the Spanish Embassy to intercept her if she attempted to reach it. And then they cooked up a hoax with the willing participation of her husband, who pretended to be arrested by the British as a consequence of the security threat his wife posed. He was only “released” after Gonzalez issued a statement under British supervision that she would “not do anything in future to jeopardize the work being done by her husband or cause embarrassment” to the British intelligence services.

According to notes made by Harris, she was scolded dismissively by an MI5 lawyer: “He reminded her that he had no time to waste with tiresome people and that if her name was ever mentioned to him again, he would simply direct that she should be locked up,” the case officer wrote. “She returned home very chastened to await husband’s arrival.”

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WP: ‘Duterte: Hitler killed millions of Jews, I will kill millions of drug addicts’

I don’t think Americans understand that to most of the world, Hitler is simply a guy who lost WWII, not the epitome of evil. That Hitler slaughtered his enemies is not a big moral concern for most of the world. They take that sort of thing for granted.

The Philippines are waging a real war on drugs, making the West look like wimps.

Rodrigo Duterte may be a model for what America can expect from Donald Trump. Or perhaps Bibi Netanyahu is a more likely model.

Washington Post:

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte on Friday compared his campaign to kill criminals to the Holocaust, saying he would like to “slaughter” millions of addicts just like Adolf hitler “massacred” millions of Jewish people.

“Hitler massacred three million Jews. Now, there are 3 million drug addicts. … I’d be happy to slaughter them,” he told reporters early Friday, according to GMA News.

“You know my victims, I would like to be, all criminals, to finish the problem of my country and save the next generation from perdition,” he said.

The comment was a response to critics who have likened him to Hitler. (An estimated 6 million Jewish people were killed in the Holocaust.)

Since Duterte swept to power in July, more than 3,300 Filipinos have been killed, either gunned down by police in late-night drug operations or felled by assassins, often after being named by police.

Victims of the extra-judicial killing spree are drug suspects — or those misidentified as drug suspects —named on police lists and targeted before they are charged or given the chance to stand trial. Often their bodies are dumped by the roadside with signs that read “pusher.”

The United States, the United Nations and the European Union have all expressed concern about the conduct of the “war on drugs.” When President Obama raised the issue, Duterte lashed out using a slang term that translates as “son of a whore.” When the European Parliament issued a statement, Duterte literally gave them the finger.

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