Tag Archives: orthodox jew

You Shouldn’t Read Blogs

From a Torah perspective, blogs just don’t seem kosher. I have an instinctive reaction against women as Orthodox rabbis. It just doesn’t seem right. Similarly, blogs that talk about other people, it just doesn’t seem right. That’s what the goyim … Continue reading

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Is Dennis Prager The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ?

I read The Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism in 1989 and found it so persuasive that I converted to Judaism in 1993. Then I found out that it’s ideas are largely absent from Jewish life, even Orthodox Jewish life. … Continue reading

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Does David Rubin Have Enemies In Orthodox Life?

Often when an Orthodox Jew falls from grace, it is easy to see his enemies rejoicing. Orthodox Jewish life is close. We know each other pretty well. We have feuds. And when people fall, there is often rejoicing. I have … Continue reading

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Chosen For A Mission

I talked to this bloke in Israel today. He was raised secular and then became chareidi (ultra-Orthodox Jew) for about 25 years (from approximately 1973 to 1998) and then became a nowhere man, neither secular nor religious. His story reminds … Continue reading

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David Rubin Investigation

David Rubin is a prominent Orthodox Jew in Hancock Park. He’s involved a few of his Orthodox friends in his schemes. I got this fax: “How interesting that when you look up Enhanced Affordable, David Rubin’s name is no longer … Continue reading

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