Tag Archives: live cam chat

I’m Looking For Some Bitches To Take My Last Name

Darrah writes: I was inspired today by this Luke Ford post to change my name from Darrah to now Darrah Ford. No I’m not sniffing coke as I’m typing this! Luke was a former porn blogger in his past life … Continue reading

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Young Love

From my live cam chat: KhunDiddy:  Luke I’m sure you remember my buddy Rex..he came with me to visit the Hovel.. He lives in LA..He told me again yesterday how much he LOVES his 86 yr old "girlfriend"..would you believe … Continue reading

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Better To Be A Flea On A Lion Than The Leader Of Mice

From my live cam chat: guest27:  Hey Luke, I saw your video on why you converted to Judaism and chose Orthodoxy. I converted to non-Orthodox Judaism myself but I am seriously considering an Orthodox conversion because it also seems like … Continue reading

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How A Woman Takes A Shower

Click here to join the fun. LeahKleim:  Im tempted to start a chat room. I need an accomplice though YourMoralLeader:  This can be your chat room too YourMoralLeader:  We have the same mission YourMoralLeader:  tikkun olam LeahKleim:  I know we … Continue reading

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The Truth Brigade

From my live cam chat: palestine4ever:  Thank God, the Truth Brigade is here. palestine4ever:  I was just remarking that out of all of the blogs I visit, none had quite the exciting content of LukeFord.net today. palestine4ever:  I have long … Continue reading

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