Do You Like Getting Honked At?

Driving home while listening to a talk on the Fourth Step, I came to a halt at a four-way intersection. I arrived behind the car on my left, but when the car in front of me drove through the intersection on his way to passing me, I decided it would be more efficient if I jumped the queue and drove straight ahead. As I did so, I realized that the traffic was piled up in front of me and I was stuck in the middle of intersection blocking traffic. The driver on my left honked at me as he had arrived at the intersection before me and had the right of way. I was indignant that this man would dare honk at me but then I realized he was in the right. Still, it took a few minutes for my indignation to completely fade away.

When we let our natural instincts get out of place, when we step on others, they naturally react and we rarely like those consequences. On the other hand, when we go through life observing the common courtesies, we rarely get honked at. Life is tranquil.

I have a friend who’s never had a ticket (neither a parking ticket nor a moving violation). I admire him. I want to be more like him. Over the course of my life, I’ve had about $2,000 in parking tickets (all in Los Angeles) and about five moving violations.

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The Case Against Suicide

I am in five 12-step programs and sometimes I meet people who ask me why they should not commit suicide.

I usually share from my experience. From 1988 to 1993, I was bedridden about 20 hours a day on average with a mysterious disease that was eventually given the name Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. For most of this time, I despaired about ever getting well and I sometimes wished I would die (I never allowed myself to take any steps to bringing this about or contemplating a plan to do this). About four years into this nightmare, I became convinced that not only could I and my current doctors not figure a way out of this mess, neither could anyone in my circle find me a way out. But I was convinced there were people out there who could help me and that meeting as many people as possible was the way to go.

So I made an effort to connect with old friends, tried to form new ones, and I placed a ton of singles ads, talked to a ton of women, and some of them were interested in me and drove and flew to me. One took me back to Orlando, Florida with her in August of 1993 and took me to her psychiatrist who eventually gave me a medication (nardil) that set me on the path towards two-thirds of a recovery.

I am sure there are things that I could do right now that would significantly improve my life. I just have to meet more people, whether in real life or online, who might have useful suggestions for me (or I need to deepen my connection with people I’m already acquainted with who can show me a path out of what is normal for me).

From my first meeting in various 12-step programs I saw there was a path out of a problem I was having. I saw there were things I could do right now to improve my lot. For instance, I could give up some bad habits and take up some good habits. I could clean and organize my room, vacuum my car, wash it, track my spending and earning, become clear on the parts of my life that were unmanageable, and any time I needed to, there were either face-to-face meetings or 12-step meetings or inspiring recovery talks that I could tune into and experience God. To me, 12-step meetings are God with skin. I go to a meeting and from the most unlikely people, I hear the voice of God. I hear what I need. And I see a way forward.

Is there anything that makes you feel good? Such as cleaning your room, going to work, reading a book, exercise, yoga, attendance at church or synagogue, hanging out with friends, going to a meeting, etc? By stacking good things on top of each other and reducing the things that make us feel bad we can move ahead. We all have things we can do that are healthy and make us feel good.

From 2002 to 2009, the most common thing I said to myself was, “I’m f***ed.” I never speak to myself that way anymore. There’s nothing that haunts me from my past. I rarely have drama and never feel hysterical.

I meet people who are haunted by mistakes from their past. I used to be the same way. But all those things that used to haunt me, they don’t haunt me anymore. When I did a resentment inventory and a fear inventory in Step Four, I discovered that the people I feared the most were the people I resented the most, and they were invariably people I had wronged and so I had a rational reason to fear them. As I cleaned up the wreckage from my past, my fears and resentments went away and so did that haunted feeling.

If you have the strength to clean your room, you have the strength to progress in the 12 Steps. If you can get to a meeting, you can get to recovery, and most of the time, a meeting is only a phone call away. God is only a phone call away. Most people don’t know that, but if you have 12 Step experience, you know that. You can access God in ways that normies don’t know. Addicts are ahead of the game. We know that we either access God or we’ll die.

The case against suicide? There is so much more in the universe than we know right now. The common factor in our trauma is our consciousness. That’s the common denominator in all of our suffering. So how can we move beyond our limits? How can we connect with the transcendent? In my experience, problems we can’t solve on our own power are taken away when we connect with other people, with our true selves, and with God. And with a 12-step program, there are detailed instructions on how to do this.

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When Was I The Victim? When Was I The Perpetrator?

My mind naturally inclines to thinking one thousand times about when I have been the victim for every time it naturally inclines to thinking about when I was the perpetrator. I don’t like thinking about when I was a perpetrator. It’s hard for me to face when I have acted unethically. I just want to block that out.

When I work the Fourth Step, I list everybody I resent. Then in column two, I list the harms they have done me. In column three, I list what parts of my life they hurt (my self-esteem, my pocket book, my sex life, my standing in the community, etc). In column four, I think about how much I was responsible for these painful interactions.

If I want to be sane about things, I have to expect that half of my negative interactions with others had a great deal to do with my choices. But what about the rest? What about when others weren’t rational? Weren’t fair? Weren’t nice? What about when others don’t operate according to my rules that others should be rational, fair and nice? The reality is that many people are irrational, unfair and not nice. My belief system is delusional. My tendency to get angry when people act irrationally, unfairly and nastily is irrational. I don’t get to dictate how other people should operate. I don’t get to dictate reality. I get to react to reality, notes HerbK. I can’t change reality. I can’t control it.

“I’m the center of the universe and I get to make the rules. It is ludicrous for me to think the world should revolve around my value system.” (HerbK)

I often misbehaved to reduce the tension around me. That didn’t tend to work. I felt uncomfortable so I acted out. I couldn’t handle how I felt, so I acted the fool.

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Are Non-Jews Human?

Israel Shamir is a relentless Jewish critic of Jews and of the Jewish state.

Paul Gottfried writes: “As someone who studied some of the same texts more than fifty years ago, I am amazed by Israel Shamir’s erudition. He’s obviously studied the original Talmudic passages in Hebrew and Eastern Aramaic. Contrary to what some bloggers suggest, I think it’s culturally and socially important that some Jewish communities, mostly in Eastern Europe, studied such texts and from what I can tell from my exposure to those who did, took the views of gentiles that they encountered quite seriously. Sephardic Jews were less likely to have been exposed to such views. They generally did not study Talmud in the same depth as Eastern European Jews and confined their religious studies to learning compendiums of Rabbinic law, which determined their ritual practice.
It’s not a question of whether other groups also taught ideas of racial superiority to their young. What is striking in this case is the claim to stand for universal justice from a group that has been saturated with anti-gentile prejudice for many generations. But in this respect hypocritical Jewish universalists may be no different from spokesmen for the Third World, who drag their own ethnic baggage into the court of manufactured world opinion.”

Israel Shamir writes July 17:

An age-long discussion of Jewish attitudes to non-Jews had been pushed out of the central stage by the counter-discussion of goyim’s attitudes to Jews (beastly, anti-Semitic, prejudiced, leading to Holocaust, denying humanity). In the still uncensored corners and nooks of the Web, one still can find references to Jewish holy books and what do they allegedly say about non-Jews. All these references are soundly trashed and refuted by a plethora of Jewish sites robustly defending Talmud and later texts. The defenders of Jewish faith say that the quotes mean something completely different, they are taken out of context and the translation is wrong anyway. Or, often, they say that such a quote can’t be found in the mentioned book, or even the book can’t be found.

Without aiming to reverse the trend or to bring the discussion to a conclusion, we shall amuse you by a funny tidbit of Jewish lore, which is usually flatly denied by Jewish defenders. It is a reference to Midrash Talpiyot that had been known to debunkers of Judaism, saying that gentiles (goyim, or non-Jews) are beasts in human shape.

Midrash Talpiyot (or Talpiot, Talpiyoth) is a once-widely-popular and still-entertaining collection of Jewish lore assembled by a leading personality of XVIII c. Rabbi Eliyahu HaCohen of Izmir (or Elijah ben Solomon Abraham Ha-Kohen of Smyrna) (d. 1729). We shall call him RES. He is better known as the author of Shevet Musar (published in Constantinople 1712, and numerous editions afterwards), a collection of his sermons, one of the most popular books on ethics of his time. He was a brilliant and knowledgeable man, able to deliver a sermon on unusual subjects. I love his discussion of superiority of dogs over cats – dogs kept quiet when sons of Israel escaped Egypt with stolen loot, and thus acquired merit. (It was translated into English and makes a delightful and non-controversial reading). He was a great believer in harmony, in divine justice, in merit as the reason for any achievement.

In modern American Jewish sites, he is somewhat disparagingly called “a Turkish Jew”. In his days, Jews lived in Ottoman Empire and in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; so it is a Polish Jew or a Turkish Jew. Smyrna (Izmir) was a great centre of Jewish learning, and books of RES were translated into Yiddisch for the Polish Jews. They say he was a member of the heretical Sabbatean sect, and therefore all he wrote is of no value. He indeed flirted with Sabbateans for a while, like a good orthodox Communist would flirt with ideas of Trotsky or even Bogdanov. RES reverted to orthodoxy when it became necessary, and anyway his writing, including Talpiyot, had received imprimatur of leading rabbis of his time.

He was well versed in Kabbala, and this particular text from Talpiyot is based on Kabbalistic teachings. The author refers to “sod” (secret), the deepest level of exegetics.

It is a midrash, a search for deeper (often esoteric) meaning hidden in a normative text. Midrash is often quirky, usually entertaining and unexpected conclusion of delving into a text. It is located on the moot border between sheer fantasy and homiletics. For instance, Bible )Gn 24:1) says Abraham had been blessed “in all things” (בכל), and a midrash explains it as “Abraham had a daughter called Bakol, “In all things”. It is a part of Jewish reading and understanding, but it is often read with a grain of salt.

The normative text interpreted by this midrash is a well-known sentence from Talmud, uttered by the great sage R Shimon Bar Yohai, (Simeon bar Yochai), or RaSHBI. He discussed a technical question of impurity (or levitical uncleanness) caused by dead body in certain conditions. Apparently he had to explain why a dead body of non-Jew does not cause impurity. He did it by the way of midrash: he said that the biblical verse (Num 19:14) regarding impurity contains the word “adam”. Impurity has been caused by dead body of adam, while, he says, the word “adam” in the Bible never refers to a non-Jew. In his words, You (Jews) are called adam [in the Bible], while the non-Jews aren’t called adam. This was the beginning of a long dispute whether non-Jews are indeed human, and whether Jews consider non-Jews human. It will be dealt later, just bear in mind that RaSHBI was a great goy-hater of rather extreme kind…

RES asks a good question: who cares whether the Bible uses the word ‘adam’ for Jews only, for we know that non-Jews are also human and they are the same as Jews in their appearance. And he answers this question disclosing a cabbalistic ‘secret’, that is the deepest meaning of the text. The Gentiles are actually non-human but beasts created to serve Jews. They have human shape for two very different reasons. One, it is more pleasant and respectable for a Jew to be served by a beast in human shape, than by a beast in a beast’s shape. Two, a non-Jew may join Jews, while if he were in the shape of beast, he wouldn’t be able to.

I am not appalled that some Jewish thinkers have doubted the humanity of non-Jews. This is a universal tendency during times of stress — to doubt the humanity of those you are in a life and death competition with. This type of extreme thinking could even be an evolutionary advantage in times of extreme conflict. I doubt that Jews are more prone to thinking ill of out-groups than other people.

If you grow up in an insular community, you might be five, six, seven years old before you realize that there are people outside of your own group.

It is not wise to see texts in a victim. All texts are read by particular people with a particular culture. Jews, for example, have a low rate of criminal violence. I’ve never encountered Jews who doubt the humanity of non-Jews. I’ve never encountered a rabbi who taught that non-Jews are animals.

The more negative the circumstance for any group, including Jews, the more likely they are to produce sentiments that out-groups lack humanity. When Jews are tolerated or even welcomed by the goyim, Jews correspondingly raise their opinion of the goyim. For example, most Jews from America and Western Europe have a positive view of their fellow citizens, while Jews from Eastern Europe and Arab lands do not.

He writes July 17:


* Just because one jewish priest thought so, doesnt mean every jewish priest or every jewish person thought/thinks the same.

Also, remember in olden times almost every culture/leaders of cultures in varying degrees called ‘outsiders’ as barbarians or beasts. It doesnt mean the people of those cultures nor all books of the culture/religion thought they were barbarian.

* Aristotle taught all nations, Jews included, were created to be slaves to the Hellenes.

Hitler tried to pull a similar scam for the Germanics; did not work.

* Sorry, but pulling out a few passages from the Talmud (which is huge and notoriously difficult to interpret), doesn’t really say anything. Sorry, but the luminous intellects of are not up to the task of interpreting ancient texts.

You could find equivalent passages in Greek (Aristotle and his treatment of barbarians), Sanskrit (look at the laws of Manu and how they deal with people outside the caste system), Chinese (middle kingdom – enough said), Arabic, or Christian theology.

People like to think they’re special, and that their group and nation is special. This isn’t really news.

* The moral systems of all human societies are fundamentally oriented around ingroup-outgroup distinctions. However while ethnocentrism is by no means an exclusively Jewish trait, Jews do tend to greater ethnocentrism then most European gentile groups.

* The defining characteristic of Jews everywhere and throughout history is that they always have 1 set of laws or standards for Jews and another set of laws or standards for everyone else (the goyim).

This double standard is seen all the time everywhere. They practice the anti-golden rule.

This is why this article is so important, because it explains how Jewish power is derived from seeing others as cattle just like the mafia does.

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Staying Free Of Crippling Pain Requires The Maintenance Of My Spiritual/Physical/Psychological Condition

About six months ago, my back went out on me and I was bedridden for three days. During the first two days, I almost called 9-1-1 several times because it was a herculean task to stand up and to seat myself on the toilet. For several hours on the first night, I couldn’t get up. Luckily, I did not need to relieve myself during this time. I dreaded soiling myself.

My collapse was particularly embarrassing because I teach the Alexander Technique, an educational approach to moving freely. I can usually Alexander my way out of these problems, but not this time. My best thinking just made my problem worse.

From about age 23, my back has gone out on me a couple of times a year. The first time it happened, circa 1993, I rolled out of bed about 2 am and my back went out for the first time I remember and I couldn’t get up. I was alone in my parents’ home and the closest neighbors outside my window were about a mile away. I cried and cried for help but nobody could hear me. After about an hour, I was able to get up on my own, relieve myself, and go back to bed.

Usually a chiropractor can pop me back into place when my back goes out and I can immediately go on with my life. Otherwise, I just have to rest for a couple of days and the problem goes away.

Practicing the Alexander Technique reduced my problem but did not eliminate it.

After my last collapse, a friend suggested strain-counter strain therapy (positional release) with Gadi Kaufman ( in Santa Monica. He provided immediate freedom from my crippling muscle spasms. I read his book and practiced his daily releases and bought a standing desk and I have been pain free ever since. (I also bought an activator for $150 and a $140 textbook on how to use it and that has, so far, eliminated my need for conventional physical therapy, which I used to get every few months because my wrists would get stiff and I’d start to develop symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, a problem I’ve had on and off for about 12 years.)

I’ve found that living pain-free requires the maintenance of my physical, psychological and spiritual condition. By practicing the things I’ve learned from Gadi and company, I do well. When I don’t do my daily practices, I start experiencing pain (physical, psychological, and spiritual).

If I’m getting hysterical or struggling with dramatic problems, I am going to tighten my muscles and this will inevitably lead to pain, reduced functioning and possible collapse. I learned in 12-Step rooms that if it is hysterical, it is historical. If it is dramatic, it is traumatic. As I haven’t experiencing hysteria in years nor painful drama in months, I think I’m walking the path of recovery and in doing so, I’ve healed many childhood wounds. Maybe an unexpected one will jump up today and slay me. Who knows. Humility means living in reality. Humiliation means getting caught ignoring reality. Distress comes from refusing to accept reality.

I love to do Gadi’s ten basic positional releases every morning. That takes about an hour. I usually listen to a 12-Step phone meeting or some inspiring lecture when I do them and I tend to emerge refreshed, flexible and ready to tackle my day. If I’m rushed and don’t get to do the releases, I can feel the increased body tension I’m lugging around. To operate with maximum freedom, I have to release my unnecessary tension. I have to release my habitual selfish thinking to operate with maximum spiritual and psychological freedom and I find 12-Step meetings and literature help me do this more effectively than anything else I know.

If you have an unhealthy addiction, you have a sword above your head. If you have destructive compulsions that you can’t always control, then your life can go off the rails at any time if you aren’t maintaining a healthy spiritual condition. If you have certain muscular tension patterns (for instance, I find my right hip naturally tends to torque from driving, etc, unless I take time to release particular muscles such as psoas), they can collapse you unless you release the strain on a regular basis. If you tend to grandiosity or self-pity or boredom, these tendencies can push you in unhealthy directions and even destroy your life.

On the other hand, if I maintain a healthy regime, my life flows smoothly. It’s been months since I’ve had a serious problem. I feel like I am flowing from strength to strength.

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