Tag Archives: minyan

He Always Wanted To Talk To A Room Full Of Jews About Jesus Christ

Gavriel Sanders used to be a Christian minister (under the goyisha name he was born with). Now he’s an Orthodox Jew who’s married to a Bais Yaakov girl and works for Artscroll. He operates GavrielSanders.com. Here’s a recording of his … Continue reading

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JConnectLA Friday Night

Workmen’s Circle. 6:20 p.m. I’m the second person to arrive. It’s my first Shabbat in over eight years without my black undertaker suit. Instead I’m wearing this striped ill-fitting number I got for $20 from the Jewish thrift store on … Continue reading

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My Crucifixion & Resurrection

Tearing down the temple. Throwing out the money changers. Flipping off the beit din! Justification by faith! Sanctification! The Heavenly Sanctuary! Judging the saints! Look at my erection!  I can’t be more specific. I know you want the goss, but … Continue reading

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Where Can One Find The Most Transcendent Prayer In Pico/Robertson?

Without a doubt, it is the Happy Minyan (Shlomo Carlebach style but without the child molestation) and its marvelous cantor Yehuda Solomon (lead vocalist for the Moshav Band). This place’s prayer beats the pants off every other minyan in town. … Continue reading

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Rabbi Mordecai Tendler Returns

The Modern Orthodox rabbi widely accused of sexual misconduct is teaching Torah again. If you live in and around Monsey and want to learn from the rav, here’s how: Harry Grossman is posting "Tendler lover" events on the Monsey shuls … Continue reading

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