Tag Archives: orthodox jew

Was Jesus The Messiah To The Goyim?

Evan posts to my FB: “Jesus sort of wrote his own commentary on the Torah. Do you agree?” Luke: “I don’t agree with anything Jesus said that was new. Anything he said that was true, was not new.” Evan: “That’s … Continue reading

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Are Liberals Open-Minded?

Dennis Prager writes: I can personally attest to the closed-mindedness among Jewish liberals. Despite having written two best-selling Jewish books and hundreds of articles on Jewish issues, and having lectured to virtually every major Jewish organization in North America for … Continue reading

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He Called Me Levi!

My Hebrew name is “Levi Ben Avraham.” My goyisha name is Luke Carey Ford. When Orthodox Jews, particularly Orthodox rabbis, call me “Luke” or “Mr. Ford”, I always feel like I am in trouble. Why? Because I can’t reconcile the … Continue reading

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Sex Under False Pretenses

Here’s a hilarious story from Israel: “A Palestinian man has been convicted of rape by deception after having consensual sex with a woman who had believed him to be a fellow Jew.” Oy, what will the goyim think? Oy, did … Continue reading

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Marrying A Convert

It does not make sense to me why somebody Orthodox from birth would want to marry a convert or a baal teshuva (penitent). I figure the more you have in common, the better. There tends to be a naive wide-eyed … Continue reading

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