Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Don’t Enable The Unhappy

On his radio show Friday, Dennis Prager says: You out there who enable the chronically unhappy should feel awful because you are making your own lives miserable and you are enabling the miserable to stay miserable. Everybody does this. You … Continue reading

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What Are Some Right-Wing Hysterias?

On Dennis Prager’s radio show today, he asked what are the right-wing hysterias comparable to left-wing fears over secondary smoke, global warming, population growth, etc. Well, here are the things the right-wing has been afraid of since 1980 (when I … Continue reading

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Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue

Lulu emails: Yo! I gave you that term “Torah Hour of Power!” Where’s my credit? Dude. You so love to take credit from people, post without asking…etc. I don’t care where you get the stuff from. It’s your arrangement of … Continue reading

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Revenge Of The Odd Couple

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, I wanted to say something about the last Torah Talk. Luke, you asked some extremely important and cogent questions, and frankly I was astounded at the answers you received. The earth doesn’t go around the … Continue reading

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A Letter from a Republican to Hispanics

Dennis Prager writes: No country in the world can allow unlimited immigration. If America opened its borders to all those who wish to live here, hundreds of millions of people would come in. That would, of course, mean the end … Continue reading

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