Tag Archives: orthodox rabbi

Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue

Lulu emails: Yo! I gave you that term “Torah Hour of Power!” Where’s my credit? Dude. You so love to take credit from people, post without asking…etc. I don’t care where you get the stuff from. It’s your arrangement of … Continue reading

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A Convert’s Sad Story

Anonymous writes: I am a convert. There can be no question that I am halakhically Jewish, at least if you trust the Lubavitchers to know halakha. I am writing to protest the downright shameful treatment of converts by the Orthodox … Continue reading

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Rent Control

In his fifth lecture on Rabbi Joseph Elijah Henkin (the leading posek in America during the 1940s and 1950s) for Torah in Motion, Rabbi Marc B. Shapiro says: You get a sense that Rav Henkin has a very liberal sense. … Continue reading

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Orthodox Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky Attacks Bloggers

Here’s the controversy. Rabbi Shimon Kurland writes: Thank you for your email regarding Rabbi Orlofsky. The clip you heard on the internet was from a shiur Rabbi Orlofsky gave over five years ago to a group of Kollel students in … Continue reading

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Kissing Rabbi Marc Schneier Headed For Fourth Divorce

The New York Daily News publishes this shocking photo of Orthodox rabbi Marc Schneier kissing another woman in Israel. His spurned wife has filed for divorce. Unlike the New York Daily News, I have done substantial research on stunning speech … Continue reading

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