Tag Archives: live cam chat

Luke Ford: Meek and Mild

From my live cam chat: YonahShimmel:  You know, you could move to LA and be Luke’s Girl Friday YonahShimmel:  Handle his correspondence, answer the phone, tidy up after him and so forth Emma:  Miracles can happen YonahShimmel:  So he hopes … Continue reading

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Two Ravenous Females In One Night

From my live cam chat: HoboBob:  TWO RAVENOUS FEMALES IN ONE NIGHT HoboBob:  One got too intense, so I had to swat her away. YourMoralLeader:  whoa YourMoralLeader:  tell me more HoboBob:  @#$%@ mosquitos. HoboBob:  Must have 12 bites on me. … Continue reading

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Birmingham, England: ‘It’s Crap Here If You’re White’

From my live cam chat: HoboBob:  Where you from,  Maggie? maggie:  birmingham england HoboBob:  A great city HoboBob:  I understand it is mostly wogs there now maggie:  Hey hobo yr right its crap here if your white HoboBob:  You people … Continue reading

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Setting The Bar Too High?

Daniel writes on Failed Messiah: "I am so curious if you have any more info on rabbonim reacting negatively to to the Chafetz Chayim‘s works on shmiras halashon [holy speech]. I have long felt that by setting an impossibly high … Continue reading

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I Ask A Lesbian If She’s Ever Experienced The Love Of An Old Hairy Jew

From my live cam chat: guest77: hi,did you see a psy lately ? YourMoralLeader: hi YourMoralLeader: no guest77: lol, i like you guest77: why r u self called moral leader ? is this a subtile joke ? YourMoralLeader: not subtle … Continue reading

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