Tag Archives: luke ford

Luke Ford, fraudulent Torah-loving super-Jew….

…Who feels compelled to post pictures of a tefillin-wearing, tattooed WOMAN on his site. You really are a creep and an anti-Semite. "These Jews have denied me in my attempts to do a half-assed, self-conducted ‘conversion,’ so now I’m going … Continue reading

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Your Moral Leader’s Backdoor Guide To Los Angeles: ‘You Haven’t Done L.A. Until You’ve Done Luke Ford!’

Joe emails: Another idea related to Delice a bit: LUKEAPALOOZA, the multi-media tour of Luke Ford’s LA! Beginning with lunch at Luke’s favorite French bistro, climb into the original LUKE FORD SERIAL KILLER VAN (TM) and watch Luke’s life come … Continue reading

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The Rabbi Is Back

The rabbi is back. He wants to see you in his office. The rabbi is back. He’ll see you now. The rabbi is back. "Do you mind dropping your trousers?" The rabbi is back. "I’ve never done a hatafat dam … Continue reading

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What The Hell Happened To Luke Ford?

Tabloid Baby reports: Hey! What’s going on with pioneer blogger and charismatic Internet personality Luke Ford? The Woodstein of the pornography industry-turned-conflicted Orthodox Jew has always been a controversial figure, but as long as we’ve known him, he’s also been … Continue reading

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I’m Thinking Of Shaving My Head And Keeping My Beard

I want to go for The Road Warrior look. From my live cam chat: palestine4ever:  It’d be a pity if Leah Kleim were estranged in the face of your sexual power, Chaim ChaimAmalek:  I am totally focused on the upcoming … Continue reading

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