Tag Archives: luke ford

I Found My Long Lost Son On TV!

Darrah Ford blogs: So I was just watching the ‘Teen Choice Awards’ and stopped everything when they announced Luke Ford as a presenter. ACTOR Luke Ford and actress Vanessa Hudgens were presenting the award for ‘Choice TV Fresh Face’. I … Continue reading

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Luke Ford In Lights

Chaim Amalek emails: I was walking by the Sony Multiplex in Lincoln Center today when I peered up at the marquee and guess which name I saw zipping by? LUKE FORD. Apparently there is an Aussie actor out there with … Continue reading

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Is Luke Ford Good For The Jews?

Rabbi Gadol writes: "Your blog is not good for the Jews. Most of your stories make Jews seem bigoted or stupid or narrow minded or perverted out of their minds or all of the above. The average person would not … Continue reading

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Because I’m Luke Ford

A friend writes: Hi,I’m Luke Ford and I just love attention…any kind of attention…from anyone,really… .the random fair dinkum lost souls who wander into my chatroom to spice up their boring lives..and bitch abt this ‘n that,while endlessly commenting on my not … Continue reading

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Setting The Bar Too High?

Daniel writes on Failed Messiah: "I am so curious if you have any more info on rabbonim reacting negatively to to the Chafetz Chayim‘s works on shmiras halashon [holy speech]. I have long felt that by setting an impossibly high … Continue reading

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