Tag Archives: alexander technique teacher

I’m Having More CFS Relapses

Since I’ve started Alexander Technique teacher training, I’ve been having more Chronic Fatigue Syndrome relapses than normal. Why? Because I’m pushing myself more. I used to arrange my life so I could stay home 90% of the time and work … Continue reading

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Do You Need A License To Practice Alexander Technique In Some States?

Anybody can call themselves an Alexander Technique teacher, just like anybody can call themselves a rabbi. Like Judaism, Alexander Technique is not run by a hierarchy. What I did not know was that you apparently need a license in some … Continue reading

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The Return

Over the past 18 months, I spent less time in synagogue than at any point since I started going to shul regularly in the fall of 1993. Until September 14, I was going through my Orthodox conversion to Judaism and … Continue reading

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I hate that sound — "Ehehhehhehh!" It means I’m wrong. I’m bad. I’m busted. It means I may not pass go, I may not collect $200. For 43 years, people have been saying "Ehehhehhehh!" to me. It means I can’t … Continue reading

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My Alexander Journey

I am six weeks away from finishing my first year of Alexander Technique teacher training. It’s a three year program and then I will become a certified teacher and charge $50 an hour for lessons. Alexander Technique has changed my … Continue reading

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