Tag Archives: rsquo

Mass Firings At Shalhevet, Small Incoming Freshman Class

Beatrice Levavi the registrar is going. The incoming freshman class is only 25 students. Shalhevet sought at least 60. Also Debbie Reisman is going, Jerry’s assistant, and some others. Against the rumors, the drama program at Shalhevet will continue with … Continue reading

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Obama’s Other Jeremiah Wrights

Evan Gahr writes for Human Events: Jeremiah Wright is not the only supporter Barack Obama needs to explain. Although the media has finally exposed Barack Obama’s ties to the unhinged pastor his support from rappers who propagate equally pernicious nonsense … Continue reading

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‘All The Sad Young Literary Men’

The New York Times writes about this new novel: Then there’s Sam, who wants to write “the great Zionist novel.” Talia, Sam’s Israeli girlfriend, tells him he doesn’t love the land enough to write the great Zionist novel. There are … Continue reading

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A Jew Looks At Sex In Beijing

The New York Times blogs: Someone named Anna Sophie Loewenberg, a onetime editor at Beijing Scene, has managed to flounce her way into China and join its social ranks as a Mandarin-fluent, boy-crazy and only slightly alienated Beijinger. (She’s from … Continue reading

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Saving Isaac Hersh?

Save Isaac emails: Here is a letter publicized by Michael Hersh. The lines that start with FACT – are the counter claims to his propaganda. It is also EXTREMELY important to let everyone know the sequence of events PRIOR to … Continue reading

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