Tag Archives: luke ford

Luke Ford’s Secret Diary IV

Part one. Part two. Part three. July 27, 2009. I’m pretty sure I can hook up with… Do I want to? I can get back in the saddle right now. Hah! I’m gonna be fine. I’m thrilled that my driving … Continue reading

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Luke Ford’s Secret Diary III

Part one. Part two. July 21. I love my therapist. When I told her that I did not represent enough value to ****, that’s why she cheated on me, my therapist said, "Cheating is not about you. It’s about her." … Continue reading

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Luke Ford’s Secret Diary II

Part one. July 17, 2009. ***** was very friendly last night. She gave me her card and pointed out her email address. I emailed her and she replied an hour later, saying meeting me was a "pleasure". She asked if … Continue reading

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Luke Ford’s Secret Diary

I’ve been keeping a journal since July 15, 2009. Here are some excerpts: July 15. I met a new friend in yoga. She’s tall and meaty. I like her body. I like how fit and flexible she is. She meditates … Continue reading

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Luke Ford’s Grotto! Kids Will Love It!

A friend who’s converting to Judaism emails me: "I was talking to my mom on the phone just now, trying to explain to her what a sukkah is. I told her it was like a hut, a temporary dwelling place, … Continue reading

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