Tag Archives: orthodox rabbi

Most Rishonim, Early Achronim Permitted Concubines

The Rishonim were leading rabbis who lived from the 11th to the 15th Centuries, before the Shulchan Aruch. The Achronim are leading rabbis from the 16th Century to the present. I’m listening to a Torah in Motion lecture by Dr. … Continue reading

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Intellectuals Go Nuts Over Rav Soloveitchik

But the ordinary Jew has not been affected by the Rav. Those who get drunk on the Rav’s theories are intellectuals who love theories. Yes, the Rav ordained more rabbis than anybody in history. But the Rav did not make … Continue reading

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Orthodox Union Press Hires Rabbi/Blogger Gil Student

From Hirhurim: Link: OU Press Hires Rabbi Gil Student to be Managing Editor May 26, 2009 He’s a student of the publishing industry with hands-on experience running his own book company; he’s a knowledgeable businessman with years of experience in … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Way

I was having lunch with two Gentile friends this past week, and this really goyish goy asked me about the Jewish community harboring criminals from goyisha justice and whether that might fuel anti-semitism. I replied that the rabbis in their … Continue reading

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The Sapphic Secrets

I just watched the DVD Ha-Sodot aka The Secrets. It’s exquisite. The young females in it are so fine, so spiritually fine. The protagonist (played by Ania Bukstein) has a full bosom and a strict devotion to Orthodox Judaism. She … Continue reading

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