Tag Archives: orthodox jew

Why Didn’t Rabbi Daniel Korobkin Make The Cut At Beth Jacob?

Because he did not apply. Rabbi Korobkin was the runner-up to Steven Weil in the 2000 search for a successor to Abner Weiss. He did not throw his hat in the ring this go round. By temperament, Rabbi Korobkin is … Continue reading

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Wall Street & The Jews

HymenRothofMiami:  Young man HymenRothofMiami:  The New York press is all over the Jewish angle regarding this latest wall street scandal. HymenRothofMiami:  Apparently he took down a lot of monied Jews. HymenRothofMiami:  As he "did the Jewish circuit" HymenRothofMiami:  I’m thinking … Continue reading

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Molestation Cases Among Orthodox Jews

NEW YORK (AP) — It started as a radio program discussion about a taboo subject: child molestation among members of the insular world of Orthodox Jews. Since he broached the subject on his radio show this summer, says a state … Continue reading

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Orthodox In-Fighting

Joe emails: The infighting among Orthodox shuls in L.A. is really an embarrassment. Young Israel of North Beverly Hills is a total train wreck and a textbook example of what happens when ego is mixed with money and control issues. … Continue reading

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First Time Novelist Diana Spechler Coming To Town Nov. 13

November 13, 2008: Diesel, A Book Store In Brentwood, 7:00 p.m. 225 26th Street, Santa Monica, CA Diana Spechler Diana Spechler’s Facebook Page Diana Spechler’s MySpace Page From Harper Collins: Bits and Ash were children when the kidnapping of their … Continue reading

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