Tag Archives: torah portion

I’m Live On My Cam With Jewcy.com’s Joey Kurtzman

We’re studying this week’s Torah portion Re’eh. Click here to join the fun. Full video. Deuteronomy 14:25 says you can spend your money as your heart desires. How do the rabbis interpret this? Doing this according to your heart’s desire … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion Is Bamidbar

We’re beginning the book of Numbers this Sabbath. Steve Brizel writes for Hirhurim: The Themes of Sefer Bamidbar R. Berel Wein reminds us that one of the key elements of Bamidar is how people, their attitudes and actions played a … Continue reading

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Book Clubs Are For Girls

In theory, I should be hot for book clubs. I typically read several books a week. I love discussing books with smart people. I love to bond with people over books. Yet I’ve never enjoyed a book club. I rarely … Continue reading

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