Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

What Hamas Is Doing To Southern Israel Will Inflame Jews

It is unpredictable how Jews in the United States will react to these rocket attacks and non-Jews should be on guard against angry rioting Jews. Can you imagine such a thing? Or the pope announces that non-Christians should beware because … Continue reading

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Why Be Good?

In the summer of 1995, I wrote Dennis Prager a letter (15 months earlier, I moved to Los Angeles to work for him, the job fell through) asking for his permission to develop his ideas on how to be a … Continue reading

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Did ‘The Pianist’ Have A Point?

I saw this movie with a gorgeous shiksa in a dark and empty theater and one thing led to another and we were groping each other in the dark like there was no tomorrow. Pictures of the Holocaust do that … Continue reading

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Where’s The Jewish Richard John Neuhaus?

Rabbi Gil Student nominates Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. I agree that R. Sacks is eloquent, but he does lead anybody? Does he influence thought? Does he lead intellectual change? I don’t think so. He’s a silver-tongued spokesman for the British … Continue reading

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Why The Hubbub Bub?

I listened to Barack Obama’s inaugural address. It’s rare that I get much out of a politician’s speech but this speech was noteworthy for its utter lack of original insight. The speech contributed nothing to America and nothing to my … Continue reading

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