Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Equality Is A Goyisha Value

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Jewish law has Jews treat other Jews in a somewhat more favorable fashion, e.g. forbidding a Jew to charge interest on a loan to another Jew but permitting him to do it on a loan to … Continue reading

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Tears For Fears

Kundalini Yoga class. I arrive five minutes early. I put down my stuff, take up my cross, roll out my mat, sit next to the wall, lie down on my back while simultaneously sending my legs straight up in the … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Likes ABBA

Dennis loved the Eurovision music contest and spent an hour on YouTube watching the songs and the pretty girls performing in them. On his second hour of his radio show today, Dennis saidto his producer Allan Estein and his tech … Continue reading

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Almost No Christians Left In Middle East Muslim Countries

That’s because they are so persecuted there, said Dennis Prager in his second hour (echoing the words of the Pope). "Islamophobia is phony. Christianphobia is real. Muslims are treated perfectly fine in the United States of America. That’s why they … Continue reading

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Can You Order A Miracle?

On the front of RabbiAriKahn.com, the rabbi debunks voodoo Judaism whereby if you do certain rituals at a certain place and recite certain things, you can get a shiduch (marriage) or a job etc. Anything that does not make sense … Continue reading

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