Tag Archives: Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Makes It Look Easy

Fred Barnes writes: That was easy. Sarah Palin delivered what may have been the most important speech ever by a vice presidential candidate and made it look like she’d been performing on the national political stage for years. And she … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin’s A Star

Joe emails: She is a prodigy. At 44, to absolutely destroy Obama (the remark about two memoirs and no legislation is beyond sublime, it shows that Obama, mr. black freedom, is in this for the gelt) with the same cadence … Continue reading

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I Love Sarah Palin

She excites me. The NJG: obama’s going to win The NJG: even Peggy Noonan thinks so The NJG: dr. laura dislikes palin The NJG: and michael savage The NJG: jews don’t like her The NJG: 17 year old pregnant girls … Continue reading

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Luke Ford: Meek and Mild

From my live cam chat: YonahShimmel:  You know, you could move to LA and be Luke’s Girl Friday YonahShimmel:  Handle his correspondence, answer the phone, tidy up after him and so forth Emma:  Miracles can happen YonahShimmel:  So he hopes … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin

Joe emails: Rush got it right. Sarah Palin = Guns, babies, Jesus. To win, the dems have to win big among women, real big, like something over 5 points. With Palin on the ticket and making a good impression, it … Continue reading

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