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Daily Archives: July 16, 2021
Do Your Networks Pull You Apart? (7-16-21)
00:00 Marilyn Monroe’s networks pulled her apart, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=141257 10:00 Genres, Objects, and the Contemporary Expression of Higher-Status Tastes, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=141245 17:00 How to live given the certainty of death, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8Hu465KL1w 20:00 ‘School athletics at the center of attention devalues intellectual students’, … Continue reading
Posted in America
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The Contrasting Judaisms Of Franz Rosenzweig and Ron Jeremy
How did the essentialist discourse of the late German philosopher Franz Rosenzweig compare with the more contingent but still ultimately essentialist problematic hegemonic discourse of Ron Jeremy? How and why do these two intellectuals attempt to reify the Jewish essence?
Posted in Judaism
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Randall Collins writes: Marilyn Monroe had a famous career: famously good, famously bad, pretty much simultaneously. Once launched, everything she did made her famous; and everything she did caused her grief. Why? Look at it from the point of view … Continue reading
Posted in Hollywood
‘School athletics at the center of attention devalues intellectual students’
Sociologist Randall Collins writes: Anyone who has been to high school in the United States knows there is a prestige system, with the jocks and cheerleaders at the top, and the nerds at the bottom. The term “nerd” has no … Continue reading
Posted in Academia
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Seven Reasons Cops Are Disliked
Sociologist Randall Collins writes: [1] Police are used for collecting fines for municipal budgets. This has been a long-standing practice in speed traps, where heavy fines are levied on drivers, usually on highways outside of town; since locals know where … Continue reading
Posted in Police
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