Monthly Archives: July 2021

Antifa: History and Tactics

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What Do We Do About the Homeless?

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WP: If you think getting the IRS on the phone is tough, try setting up an individual online account

It took me 5-10 minutes to set up an individual online account with the IRS. I don’t see the problem. I suspect it is only a problem if you have an IQ under 100. One measure of maturity is how … Continue reading

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Human Nature and the Dark Triad

This rings true to me. Due to instability in childhood, I compensated with a grandiose internal conception of myself that I expected the world would one day recognize. Accompanying this delusion, I found it easy to treat people as means … Continue reading

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Rethinking Jewish Philosophy: Beyond Particularism and Universalism

In my experience, Jewish philosophy and Jewish theology play no role in the lives of 99.9% of Jews (equivalent to the role of jurisprudence in the lives of Americans). It is rare that I recall real Jews (as opposed to … Continue reading

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