Monthly Archives: January 2018

What Happens When You Try To Leave The Alt Right?

Richard Spencer on the latest Alt Right podcast: “You can make the same argument about porn — we should watch porn all day long so that we can raise the fertility rate.” Panelists: “Weed is worst.” Richard: “Video games are … Continue reading

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Steven Pinker – The alt-right right are highly intelligent, internet savvy activists

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When Did It Become A Bad Thing To Be Offensive?

When Jews like Lenny Bruce and Al Goldstein were on the way up in America, it was a great thing to be offensive. In the 1950s and 1960s, Jews led the fight for free speech. Now they lead the fight … Continue reading

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LAT: Winfrey highlights story of black woman raped by white men

From the Los Angeles Times: Oprah Winfrey’s barnstormer of a speech at the Golden Globes highlighted the story of a black Alabama woman who was raped by six white men in 1944. Winfrey, in speaking of the victims of sexual … Continue reading

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Catholicism Is Gay

Dennis Dale writes: Was the abomination that has become of the Catholic Church inevitable due to its celibate order? Was the abomination that has become of Christianity generally also inevitable due to the preponderance of gay ministers? My impression is … Continue reading

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