Monthly Archives: August 2016

BBC: “Why Is India So Bad at Sport?”

Steve Sailer writes: “…Indians are enamored of some aspects of their British colonial heritage, such as P.G. Wodehouse comic novels, but not Britain’s sporting tradition. In the past, you’d see a few rich Indian sportsmen, like Vijay Amritraj, who was … Continue reading

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Who Is More Privileged: Trump, Stephens, or Zakaria?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Fareed Zakaria was the son of the number 2 person behind only Indira Gandhi in the ruling Congress Party of India. A friend who worked with Fareed recalls him as a Princeling of Privilege in … Continue reading

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Hillary Makes It To The Top Of The Stairs!

News: The questionable health condition of Hillary Clinton should be a major issue of the 2016 campaign. The latest evidence comes in the form of Clinton being helped up a set of stairs by multiple individuals outside what appears to … Continue reading

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Breathing Freely & Clarity Of Purpose

Alexander teacher Carolyn Nicholls tells Robert Rickover: “The more flexible an area, the easier it is to misuse it. I’ve had a lot of pupils who’ve had a sullen ribcage, where the ribcage stays the same shape with the in-breath … Continue reading

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Olympics Open Thread

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The USA lost to Australia in the women’d 4×100 but hey, we are more diverse! I notice a HUGE push for ‘diversity’ (eg less whites ) in US Swimming: a. they have a full time … Continue reading

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