Monthly Archives: August 2016

NBC Says You Can Watch All Events Live Through Its Sports App

But the app does not work on PCs. I don’t want to watch on a tablet or iPhone. I want to watch on my big screen computer monitor. I guess I need to get Chromecast. By the way, because of … Continue reading

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Maybe God Has A Better Plan

I bought a PC (HP Envy 700) two years ago and upgraded to Windows 10 and it gave me such trouble — repeated blue screens of death even when I spent about $200 on a premiere tech repair facility nearby … Continue reading

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Why Are the Koch Brothers on the Warpath Against Law and Order?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * It makes perfect sense if you’re as rich as the Kochs. First off their ilk is rich enough to be immune from the predations of the “no collar” criminals. Secondly they are merely looking out … Continue reading

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Curing the Black Anti-Cop Cultural Disorder

Robert Weissberg writes: Among the many factors that contribute to death is one that is scarcely noticed: a deadly self-conception. The classic example is the person who defines himself as a fearsome, brave warrior anxious to risk everything—including almost certain … Continue reading

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ADL Criticizes ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Bill That Would Make Police Shootings a Hate Crime

You rarely find Jews in any movement that seeks to enhance the rights of the majority at the expense of minorities but you frequently find Jews in movements that seek to enhance the rights of minorities at the expense of … Continue reading

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