Category Archives: BLM

NYT: ‘Los Angeles Pedestrians Look Forward to Relaxed Jaywalking Law’

The New York Times published Nov. 3, 2022: “I’m smart enough to know if cars are coming,” said one walker who is glad the old law will come off the books on Jan. 1. Starting Jan. 1, thanks to the … Continue reading

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Antifa/BLM All Over West LA Today

Antifa/BLM activists are trying to provoke police and citizens into confrontation. They’re renting cars at LAX and they’re trying to run over people, mace people, and provoke violence. I’m talking Santa Monica, San Vicente Blvd, Bel Air, Brentwood… Activists are … Continue reading

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Sailer: BLM in Trouble with BBC Over Anti-Israel Stance

Steve Sailer writes: “Two previous eras of black supremacist ideology — the late 1960s and the early 1990s — both came a-cropper when they got too many Jews peeved at black anti-Semitism. For example, Spike Lee’s soaring movie career got … Continue reading

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BLM Activism & Your Work Prospects

I suspect many employers won’t hire people who’ve supported BLM just as they won’t hire people who support BDS. From the WSJ: Workers may run some employment risk if they participate in protests or other forms of activism. Most U.S. … Continue reading

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Harry Baldwin writes on Steve Sailer: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a useful approach to changing one’s way of dealing with the world. Wikipedia describes it: “CBT focuses on challenging and changing unhelpful cognitive distortions and behaviors, improving emotional regulation, … Continue reading

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