Monthly Archives: April 2016

Horrible Internet Service

Luke: “The internet service here is horrible. It’s pure torture. It’s, it’s, it’s one step from Auschwitz!” Friend: “You’re charming. A real mood lifter. That should be your next hit song, ‘One Step From Auschwitz’ followed by ‘Two Steps From … Continue reading

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Trump’s Problem With Nice Midwesterners

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Trump’s had big problems with the Germanics and “nice” Midwesterners in general, the conservatives among which the “nice” factor, and their lack of exposure to real diversity, is keeping them from getting their heads outta … Continue reading

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The Sad and Troubling Story of Fridoon Rawshan, Man Fatally Shot by Cop

The gifts of the Afghans! News: The 42-year-old Afghanistan man shot and killed by a San Diego police officer outside of an adult bookstore on April 30 had a long criminal history, suffered a history of mental illness and was … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Shifts The Overton Window

Byron York writes: What was once furious Republican opposition to Donald Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban foreign Muslims from entering the U.S. has turned to virtual silence in the face of widespread GOP voter approval…. Indeed, approval is so extensive … Continue reading

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How Does Trump Feel About Non-Whites?

Comments: * Trump’s father was a landlord from Queens, and NYC landlord have a deep contempt for black people-who are notorious for not paying their rent. Trump has had contempt for black people for decades. I remember him back in … Continue reading

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