How Does Trump Feel About Non-Whites?


* Trump’s father was a landlord from Queens, and NYC landlord have a deep contempt for black people-who are notorious for not paying their rent. Trump has had contempt for black people for decades. I remember him back in the 80s going out his way to place an ad in the NY Times calling for the death penalty for the Central Park teens accused of rape. Just last year he tweeted that 81% of white homicide victims were victims of black murderers. Trump’s racism is that unique outer borough New Yorky type-the Archie Bunker type-with no KKK or confederate flag or jim crow.

In fact, I would say that Trump really does not like anyone who is not white-which is why he can’t stand China, India, Vietnam or Mexico, but is okay with Russia. In Trump’s world view, America and Europe should be rich, and the rest of the world should be poor-like in the 50s and 60s before the economic rise of Asia. Also, he believes in stealing from of non white countries and people. Hence, he always talks about “making Mexico pay”, or garnishing the pay of mexican immigrants. He is upset that Iran’s assets in the US were returned as part of lifting the sanctions and believes that the US should have taken over Iraq oil assets after the war.

A president Trump will shock the world with his economic bigotry and will probably even destabilize the global economy (there goes our 401k).

I think that Trump was stunned when a Black man became president-probably drove him crazy. That’s why he went beyond even the birthers and offered 5 million dollars if Obama could release his COLLEGE transcripts. To Trump, no black is qualified for the Ivy leagues even though he himself got in Wharton due to his family wealth and connections.

Trump has always talked about running for President but probably lacked confidence until Obama. It was Obama’s victory that finally convinced him to run, because he figured that if a Black man could become president of the US so can he.

It really is too bad that the one person who could have addresses the immigration mess of America turned out to be such a mental case.

* 1) I’m very skeptical about Hillary’s ability to run a race war like Obama. She’s clownishly bad at it for starters. More important, black women have never responded to her. Black women are not feminists. They are black women first and last.

2) Clinton appears to be preparing to run on the vagina issue with a slight lesbian hint to it. Her commercials here were the old girl power nonsense from yesteryear. Last night she was screeching about how she will make sure women get more money if she is elected president.

3) The thing with Hillary is she is not competent. People forget how she managed to lose in 2008. People forget how she bungled health care in 92-93. The woman is a serial bungler. She should be running the race war strategy, but instead will run the vagina monologue, which would have worked eight years ago maybe.

4) We tend to think trends last forever. Basing this election on the old model is probably not a good idea. It was not so long ago when Republicans could win states in the Northeast. This red-blue thing is new and probably temporary.

* Steve, if Hillary ramps up the anti-white race-baiting, it is going to mobilize the white vote for Trump to an incredible extent, perhaps like never before seen. The silent majority’s hearts are hardening to PC, to Islam, to blacks acting out and rioting, to cuckoldry. And we’ve been through this analysis before – turnout, and white voting percentage.

Also, any PUA or even someone who knows some theory of game, understands that grovelling Jeb-like will not get anyone to like or respect you. It only loses you your self-respect. So if anything, I see various non-white voting percentages and turnouts staying similar, and maybe favoring Trump somewhat.

* Yeah the hate Trump gets from blacks is a bit absurd. Is it because he doesn’t tolerate BLM nonsense? Because they think his “racism” towards illegals and Muslims must transfer to blacks?

Given the hate he gets from blacks he might as well go full anti-black. Then again that might be unwise since everyone who might approve of such a stance probably already supports Trump. But it’s hard to watch videos like this and think he should still go easy on blacks:

* The fact that the odds favor the Democrats is indicative that permanent demographic and cultural change has already altered the electorate. Ordinarily, after eight or nine years of a lack-luster economy, the party that has held the white-house for two terms would be vulnerable. The fact that Hillary is a contender – especially given her repellent personality – is a sign that some things have changed irrevocably.

* On the one hand, I tend to agree with Steve that Hillary seems to have the advantage at this point. Mostly I base this on the facts that the national polls show her ahead, and both she and Trump are pretty well known entities at this point.

On the other hand, this really is a new, even revolutionary, political moment. Trump represents a out-of-the-box political figure, appealing to instincts and needs of many American voters who have gone unheard for over a generation. The pattern of his successes simply doesn’t match up well with all previous Republican candidates. Now I think that in general he will tend to win those states which Republicans always win, and will tend to be competitive where Republicans have been competitive. But I do expect that the ultimate pattern of exactly where he succeeds may well prove quite surprising given historical trends. He may well win in a number of states that were never won by a Republican when they lost certain other states Trump will in fact lose.

We don’t yet have a clear idea of what the political environment will be like when, finally, Trump and Clinton face off. This will represent the clash between a very new political vision and the most established of all establishment figures. Trump has been portrayed — not wholly unreasonably — as a wild man. He really will test the willingness of voters to plunk down for a very unknown, and seemingly unsafe, quantity. Whether they do so will depend both on his ability to appear safer than he’s been depicted, and the level of voters’ revulsion toward the establishment and its perfect incarnation in Hillary Clinton.

I do think the debates between Trump and Hillary will be an eye-opener for many voters. It will become quickly apparent that Trump is no usual Republican when he defends entitlements, and attacks Hillary for supporting, and even instigating, destructive, pointless military adventures in the ME. At that point, the heavy attacks he’s received from the Republican establishment will make him seem genuinely free of the anti-worker bias of standard-issue Republicans.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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