Monthly Archives: January 2016

Why Do Women Vote For Tyranny?

BLOG: But while women (as a group) tend to vote for tyranny, the question is whether they do this consciously. Whether they do it maliciously. Do women wake up every morning, licking their chops saying, “I can’t wait to bring … Continue reading

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Men Invade, Women Invite

From the Chateau: Masculinity is invasive, femininity is invitational. Funny how the most fundamental biomechanical sex differences play out similarly in the bedroom and on the geopolitical world stage. A comment from Steve Sailer’s: strutting military-age youths with smartphones, giving … Continue reading

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Future Leaders Of America Call To Abolish Freedom Of Speech And Press

Return of Kings: The very convincing US satirist Ami Horowitz has gotten dozens of Yale University students to support his petition to stop free speech by repealing the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Horowitz has a history of outing … Continue reading

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15 People In The Mainstream Media Who Used The UVA Rape Hoax To Push A False Narrative

Return of Kings: The mainstream media is infested with far left sycophants who care not about truth and justice but pushing their delusional narrative upon us all. Here are 15 individuals who used the massive hoax of the UVA gang … Continue reading

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How Can I Be Of Service To You?

I just Facebooked several friends asking, “How can I be of service to you?” Now that I have demonstrated my sobriety and altruism, I can go back to business as usual. Funnily enough, none of them took me seriously. Friend: … Continue reading

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