15 People In The Mainstream Media Who Used The UVA Rape Hoax To Push A False Narrative

Return of Kings: The mainstream media is infested with far left sycophants who care not about truth and justice but pushing their delusional narrative upon us all. Here are 15 individuals who used the massive hoax of the UVA gang rape as an opportunity to spread their mythical “rape culture” views.

Dena Takruri – Presenter and producer for Al Jazeera

Dena Takruri on Twitter   Everything wrong with rape culture and American college campuses in one horrifically shocking article http   t.co u7135yXgI3 #UVA

Ben Adler – Journalist for Grist

Ben Adler on Twitter    Studies have shown that fraternity men are three times as likely to commit rape,  -- @rollingstone http   t.co bpVjHzfEbQ

Taylor Dobbs – Reporter for Vermont Public Radio

Taylor Dobbs on Twitter   Everyone should read this story on UVA’s culture of raping young women then silencing them. The fight song... http   t.co MvheunxinI

Nicole Beemsterboer – Senior producer at NPR

Nicole Beemsterboer on Twitter   I can not stop thinking about and talking about @SabrinaRErdely's @RollingStone article on rape culture at UVA. http   t.co c9oyVnedN1

Paul Glader – Contributor to Forbes, Business Week, and the New Yorker

Paul Glader on Twitter   A Rape on Campus  A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at #UVA http   t.co 8Qps0EGVkS via @rollingstone Problem cultures in #highered

Kaelyn Forde – Reporter for Al Jazeera America

Kaelyn Forde on Twitter   An absolute must-read  a chilling indictment of how univs handle sexual assault. #UVA is sadly not an isolated case  http   t.co GPXHK194xu

Mark Moford – Columnist for SF Chronicle

Mark Morford on Twitter   I look forward to lots of angry, violent, alcoholic males defending frats as essential to their development #UVA http   t.co EPfDh41pIC

Jena Friedman – Daily Show producer

Jena Friedman on Twitter   campus rape is a problem nationwide, but what's going on at UVA is unprecedented, it's like the DRC http   t.co 2Mbt21enaC via @rollingstone

Erin McPike – CNN correspondent

Erin McPike on Twitter   If you've read Tom Wolfe's I Am Charlotte Simmons, brace yourself - the real-life situation at UVA is so much worse  http   t.co wbkOSYI5Pd

Reyhan Harmanci – Senior editor at Fast Company

Reyhan Harmanci on Twitter   Just finished the Rolling Stone UVA story. Burn it down, all of it. http   t.co pZ7tLiOwaq

Joshua David Stein – News and features director at InStyle

Joshua David Stein on Twitter   Lesson  Dissolve all frats. Should have been done a long time ago. Pros would vastly outweight cons http   t.co uYYbudfxih via @rollingstone

Paul Danahar – Middle East bureau chief for BBC

Paul Danahar on Twitter   Brilliant journalism by @rollingstone on fraternity rape http   t.co VE4Ptnx6RZ clear some people need to go to jail   others be fired

Carrie Wofford – Contributor for US News

Carrie Wofford on Twitter   #MustRead  Shocking, violent gang rape @UVA fraternity is par for the course at @UVA #FratLife http   t.co z8x6O0dRfZ via @rollingstone

Jeffrey Goldberg – Correspondent for The Atlantic

Jeffrey Goldberg on Twitter   The Rolling Stone story on UVA's culture of rape is astonishing. A superb reporting job by @SabrinaRErdely. http   t.co dW5THAQYzW

Anousha Sakoui – Contributor for Bloomberg

Anousha on Twitter   Why don't women report sexual assault  cos peers, people appointed to look after them and police tell them not to http   t.co NUejADq1hB

The above group of people, many of them journalists in publications you read every week, absolutely did not care that due process or the most basic of journalistic fact checking wasn’t used to essentially convict a fraternity for rape, one that we now know did not occur. As you can see from the broad range of outlets represented, the corruption of American media is extensive. Trust nothing and verify everything.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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