Why Do Women Vote For Tyranny?

BLOG: But while women (as a group) tend to vote for tyranny, the question is whether they do this consciously. Whether they do it maliciously.

Do women wake up every morning, licking their chops saying, “I can’t wait to bring down Western Civilization today!”

Or are they just naive, blissfully believing the sweet lies politicians tell them about free education, free health care, free child care, free food, free housing and free everything?

The answer is rather clear.

Very few people are genuinely evil and wish bad things upon others. And we can safely say that the majority of women are NOT evil people who wish to destroy the best development of human history. And though there are some genuinely evil people who DO wish to destroy and harm others (feminists and SJW’s) the vast majority of women are well intentioned, caring people.

The problem, however, is you can be the sweetest woman with all the best intentions in the world. If you’re naive or ignorant to the point you’re wrong, you’ll still have the same effects of being an evil, malicious person out to cause damage. Thus, whether out ignorance or evil, society is going to pay the exact same price no matter what your intentions. And so, as women vote and make other decisions in life about how the country should be run, Western Civilization suffers because of their ignorance and naivety.

The first and most obvious of these is money.

Money is not the root of all evil or some kind of tool of control of evil capitalists. It is your time. It is your life. It is what you get in exchange for forfeiting a fraction of your FINITE life in the form of labor. You then use this “root of all evil” as a means to SUPPORT YOURSELF and KEEP YOURSELF ALIVE.

The freedom of speech is one thing.
The freedom of religion is another.
But the freedom to be entitled to the majority of the money you make is the most important freedom as it is your LIFE.

But women think nothing of voting in tyrants who want to take it.

Readers of my blog are already intricately aware of the amount of money governments take from their citizens every year. They are aware of government spending to GDP. They are aware of government debt to GDP. They are aware 70% of the state’s budget goes to income redistribution. They are aware of the difference between a million and a trillion.

Your average Western Civilization female voter is not.

You average female voter is a by product of her evolution, environment, genetics and upbringing. And therefore your average female voter is stuck in “stage one” thinking where she:

1. Wants to solve a problem, but
2. Doesn’t know how much it will cost, but
3. Doesn’t care because she never looked at the budget anyway because
4. She thinks “the government has unlimited money” because
5. She really doesn’t know the difference between a million and a trillion


6. Votes for more government spending anyway.

The problem is she LITERALLY does not realize that money just doesn’t come from “poof” out of nowhere. And she CERTAINLY does not understand how the government just “printing off more money” would result in hyper-inflation. Thus, in a very naive and child-like way, she will do what is logical to a 7 year old. Vote for more government money, consequently voting the country that inch further into tyranny and enslaving us all that micro-second more in taxes.

Now, you multiply this times 150 million women, over the course of now four generations and you get what we’re all familiar with. Debt to GDP of 110%. Government spending as a percent of GDP of 40%. Slowing economic growth, etc. But the larger point is the relationship between women voting and government is not merely one of more “socialists” being elected, but increased government spending which DIRECTLY lessens the amount of money and TIME we have to ourselves.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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