Men Invade, Women Invite

From the Chateau: Masculinity is invasive, femininity is invitational. Funny how the most fundamental biomechanical sex differences play out similarly in the bedroom and on the geopolitical world stage. A comment from Steve Sailer’s:

strutting military-age youths with smartphones, giving Germany’s surrender a weird sexual vibe that nobody yet has explained satisfactorily even in retrospect.

Is it really that hard to explain?

The sexual appeal of strutting military age young men would be to whom? To women, both young and old. If the appeal is sexual it can’t be to anyone else. It is to women.

Does that mean an invasion of these Muslims is appealing to women? The smart answer seems to be No. But if the sexual appeal is not to women, then there is no sexual appeal, but we know and we feel there is a sexual appeal. Therefore the correct answer has to be YES. And the smart answer has to be wrong.

The sexy men are invading because the women want it.

And it’s stupid but it’s not false.

When men make a mistake, they invade somewhere they should not have–due to male desires blinding their reason.

When women make a mistake, they invite someone they should not have–due to female desires blinding their reason.

The reason we have not yet seen an explanation is that we assume politics are based on male desires. And second, women do not understand their own desires, so they would be less able to articulate this than I am. What woman would say, “I know it is stupid, but I need to see if these sexy, strong foreigners might make better lovers and rulers.”

But that’s the answer.

Setting aside for the moment the theory that there is a Freudian undercurrent of debased sexuality that motivates Western White woman’s advocacy for the mass importation of third world refugees invaders, there is something real and profound to the general observation that invasion – the storming of beaches, the colonizing of foreign lands – is a male thing, and invitation – the throwing open of borders and homes to alien peoples, the coddling and sanctification of wretched refuse – is a female thing. And just as it is with intimate consummation, so to does Woman find her purpose opening her nation’s thighs (and sometimes her own thighs) to receive the impudent cock of a dusky totem.

Examining the “White women desire swarthy refugee cock” hypothesis, another commenter replies to the above quoted comment,

The people who crave the complete destruction of the european peoples like to say this – and it can be persuasive for people who look at alternative news sites because those sites focus on the military aged male aspect of the invasion – but the truth is the opposite and in plain sight when you look at the pictures used by the mainstream media to manipulate the public.

The pictures the MSM show are nearly always children and mothers in distress.

You’re right the deliberate destruction of the european peoples is being brought about because of western women but the reason is the media are deliberately manipulating their sympathy for the children.

Just look at any msm news since it started.

What was the major turning point in the media’s propaganda campaign – the dead kid on the beach.

There is certainly truth to this, but only so much. Plenty of European women have now seen video streams and photographs of young Muslim men crowding into Germany and elsewhere, and yet they still heartily support the resettlement of a large and growing fraction of the Muslim world into their homelands. I don’t believe media propaganda can anymore shoulder sole blame for influencing all these shitlib White women to take selfies holding signs saying “Welcome refugees!”. There is a deeper, darker psychological compulsion at work, and yes it could have a sexual dimension hitched to a social status whoring dimension.

Whatever the psychological motivation of refugee-loving White European women, it has to stop, or be stopped, soon. The survival of Western civilization is at stake.

Another commenter writes on the same topic,

Women are instinctively attuned to selective pressures, and when a woman sees foreign people flooding in and people seemingly powerless to stop it, her limbic system starts to presume that selective pressures favor some gene or genes in the former and starts to think about acquiring those genes for her own offspring, especially since those genes are going to confer immunities to diseases and pathologies that the foreign people are likely to bring along with them that the natives aren’t going to be immune to.

Women are aroused by male strength and dominance above all other considerations. If the wider culture and ruling classes are arranging society so that Muslim migrants have the run of the place, and the native White men are hindered from expressing their displeasure and acting on it, the native White women will begin to feel desirous of those migrants, feeling in their bones that these are the tribe leaders they are looking for. But this is heady, Heartistian id analysis that is far too dark for most people, so I don’t expect any public shaming campaign of women’s redirected desire to begin any time soon.


* What, ever, would a woman see in groups of invading hoards?
1. Novelty, for starters; chicks dig novelty. Swipe fucking right.
2. They appeal to her maternal hindbrain; THEY NEED HER HELP! (corollory, they need her emotional investment. emotional investment = vag tingles, one feeds the other)
Further reading: women don’t have babies any more.
Further, further, reading: Western guys don’t really require much of her emotional investment any more either (euggh gross)

3. Revenge, for the alphas who ditched her.

4. Pity, (related to 2)
5. Disgust (related to the “pity” part)
6. Deflection/Displacement: she DOES care everyone! Just look at how much she cares everyone!.

7. There’s another kind of emotion in there too, I’ve no name for it, but the closest thing I can think of is a kind of a kind of “fuck you Dad-ism”: a kind of contempt laden with guilt for the beta ‘nice guy’ who keeps the lights on and society ticking over? a kind of “fuck that, why should I feel guilty for rejecting these beta sperges. here, let them have an invading hoard, that’s how much sympathy I should feel towards them…. also, fuck you dad.”

* The Eskimo Psychiatrists seized on some weird personality flaw in the Northern European Lutheran/Jesuit germanic character, wherein they will dutifully & enthusiastically [& even ferociously] parrot whichever dogma they are fed at any particular moment in time, so that, without blinking an eye, the Lutheran/Jesuit can instantaneously flip from screaming, “Hail H!tler” to screaming, “Religion is the opiate of the masses!”

* As far as I can tell, Henriette Reker [mayorette of Cologne] is childless & barren, and we know that Angela Merkel is childless & barren. Lately whenever I talk to people in large organizations, with terrible bureaucratic problems, it’s almost always childless people [s0d0mites, spinsters, Eskimos, etc] who are causing the most damage. Childlessness seems to exist at an insane nexus of mental illness & aspirituality & outright amorality – the childless probably got that way because they hated children, and, conversely, because they have no children, they have nothing invested in the FUTURE, ergo they are free to loot and burn everything in the present, the future be d@mned.

* And you’re onto something about aging, barren women. An old boss–nice looking Japanese lady; great rack for an asian–was barren, waited too long to have kids and at one point, when a girl was leaving, she said another was leaving the nest.

She, in many ways, treated co-workers, those that worked under her, as her kids. I don’t wanna bash her too much as she was a great lady, still is, but that was her Achilles heel. She wanted to be friendly and nice and cordial to everyone and in a supervisory role, that’s not effective.

She always doted on me and I just liked her for her rocking bod, but one time, us co-workers were out and she had been with us but had to go home to hubby and co-workers straight up asked if we were having an affair. They were essentially saying I had her wrapped around my finger and could have had my way.

Looking back on it, I could have. Shit, probably still can. But, saw photos of her recently and the asian-wall delay kicked in. Still, would probably bang.

I should put this into a short story. Has a quasi-Oedipal Rex aspect to it.

* Short story: our entire HR dept is 2/3 flamer now that we just hired a new maricon.

* Those comments raise some uncomfortable questions about the significant role that White women are playing in supporting and facilitating the migrant-invasion of Europe. It can’t be denied.

How are we to treat such traitors and collaborators among our own? After all, these women might be our girlfriends or wives, mothers or sisters. How do we punish the guilty?

In many cases, of course, these stupid bitches invite their own punishment. Which I suppose is a kind of justice.

* Contrast = alpha. The issue is not with the women, they are wired this way, the fault is in the men acting on their displeasure whether politically, economically or violently. The men can’t just sit back and observe passively, then go post about it. Take back the dinner table, the classroom and the pew as a start. That alone will demonstrate contrast and alpha among your own.

* Reassert traditional male prerogatives. Remove their right to vote, roll back female (in fact all) affirmative action, reintroduce slut-shaming, kinder, kuchen und kirche.

* Feminism, Inc. is silent about the wave of sex assaults on German women. There is some press play about our female scientists being “forced to endure” gauntlets of horny astronomers and how that deprives them the opportunity to make important contributions to their chosen field of study.

How would the feminist media react if we suddenly allowed 10 million hot asian female refugees to immigrate?

* I just saw The Martian, and I know for a fact that women are now the commanders and expert navigators of NASA…

… and what they can’t do, magic negroes are picking up the slack… especially in maths, which is hard for girls.

And astronauts engage in lively banter and repartee of the street kind, especially in mission-critical situations.

And let’s not forget, if a decision is made by the older White guy in charge, it’s bound to blow up in everyone’s face.

And even in the Orient, it’s the hot young woman who will let the senior man in charge of the space program know what’s what.

* Thought experiment: if it were mobs of athletic, blond Danish men running around with savagery equal to that of the Cologne muds last week, would a significant fraction of the German girls steal away with them for make-out and bangs?

* Did anyone ever see that John Cusack movie `Gross Point Blank`? He plays a hitman and in an effort to justify his job he says “Put it this way: if I turn up at your door, chances are you did something to bring me there.”

We, the men of the West, have dropped the ball in a big way and the only way out is to grow up and reassert ourselves. Personally, I think we’re looking at civil war, fighting in the streets, terror etc. A lot of people are going to get hurt.

* If only men had the vote, the cucks would still rule Germany.

If only women had the vote, Fidesz and Jobbik would still dominate the polls in Hungary.

Academia, entertainment and the media are the most important factors in the murder (not suicide) of the West.

* White women’s interests aren’t the same as white men’s because WW don’t have their own Y chromosome to protect. If they are raped at least one of their X’s gets in the progeny. So European Man is on his own if he values his genetic Y inheritance. Women’s rights, civil rights, none of that preserves his Y chromosome; so he better turn into a summamabitch to protect it.

* Interesting point which is why women can never be fully trusted to be loyal to their nation or people.

Half the rapist child is hers, thus she will accept it and love it.

Women should not vote let alone run nations.

* Get used to real rape culture. More rapes of teenage girls, age 14 and 15. Multiculturalism, yo. Police attacked too. More women having to run gauntlets of men.

If women and men weren’t indoctrinated in slut culture, if German girls were sweeter and nicer a lot more men would defend the homeland.

If you’re a good, honest, honorable man, what chance do you have with young white women nowadays? None, in the West. Yet the invaders get full access, voluntary or not.

Who are the white women running to for help now that North Africans have arrived for their poosy? Yeah, that’s right. In the future they better know who provides their freedom and security… if it’s not too late.

The good news is we just hit peak feminism. Feminism maxed out in 2015 on New Year’s Eve. One way or the other white women are going to have a big drop in their freedom. Coming soon to an area near you.

2016 and on, whether it’s going to be African or European men ruling white women is now the only remaining question.

* If there is a psycho-sexual element at work here, I would suggest that it its more on the order of a collective “let’s you and him fight”. Inviting in the orcs is subconsciously designed to provoke the inner Dunedain of your typical millennial neckbeard to man up.

Women may get the tingles from an abstract and remote sexual threat, but palpable sexual danger is another story (none of those women in Koln looked like they were having fun). Also, few European women of quality want want anything to do with Muslims. No matter how dominant they may appear, no culture that widely practices FGM, among other aspects of true misogyny, can be considered eugenically healthy.

Before her death, Italian journalist Oriana Falaci (a sort of 1970s vintage Camille Paglia), wrote provocatively about all this after 911 in “The Rage and the Pride”. So provocatively, in fact, that she got haulled up on chargers before some fey “Human Rights” Commission. Unlike the modern left, she understood the sexual imperative behind jihad.

* There is no contradiction between the women of Europe throwing open their borders (legs) to the invaders and the MSM projecting images of only women and children migrants. It is an ASD cover mechanism to rationalize the female lust for the horde.

* I think its more a case of virtual signalling. Middle class, female liberals signalling their superior virtue to us. The strongest support for refugees come from those women in the middle class and above who never have to actually put up with these men, whereas in working class districts women aren’t all the keen at all on the influx.

* Open borders means open legs, so spread ’em sweetheart.

* I am grateful that the Château is analyzing all these political agendas in the world that point to racial suicide. I absolutely agree with the Château’s analysis of this. For me, the analysis works on two levels. I agree with his assessment of the Muslim invasion being helped along by women and often the white women who are helping it along are not consciously aware of the needs and the agenda born out of the reptilian part of the brain. But, non-awareness neither negates the reality nor the motivation. However, I also see another thing coming into play here if one looks at this through the lens of the agenda of the NWO. If you believe in that stuff, you will recall that the NWO hopes to strip everyone of racial markers and racial pride so that the NWO can control the population on a grand scale. Since women determine the color of the tribe, it is best to appeal to women in the situation. For example, when a man impregnates a woman of another race and then comes back to his own tribe, he is spreading his genetics into that other tribe but it does not affect his tribe. On the other hand, if a white woman has a child with a non-white man, that child is now part of the Caucasian tribe and it muddies the waters within the Caucasian tribe. Another tribe’s genetics gain entrance. Therefore, if you want to destroy the white race and the white culture, you will appeal to white women. And because of all of the things operating within women that the Château describes, it could be easy to manipulate white women to usher in the much larger agenda. I don’t see this going as planned because I think some women, especially ones who are race realists, will see through it. As for me, there is nothing that could be done to me in order to make me change my mind about being fiercely supportive of the success of Caucasian men.

* I will just copy paste several comments, that were very interesting to me, by a swede with nick “Jack Burton” that comments at Zerohedge.

“And blaming women is not popular. It will not get you a date. But in Europe, women have taken over society in nearly every sense. Men are worse feminists than the women. It is a proven fact the the people most active in Migrant welcoming organizations, feeding stations, mangers of temp. housing, and demonstrating for migrants rights. Most of them are middle age women without any husbands. Watch videos from Europe carefully, you will see hundreds of migrant young men, and it is always the white middle aged woman who is handing them bread, or serving the soup. In the Calais migrant camp it is a few Middle Age French women who keep the migrants fed. They come every day to do what they can for thousands of young single Islamic men.”

“These women all have college degrees in feminism and social welfare theory. They want migrants as that employs women in the social services. Liberal and leftists women whose jobs are in government and social welfare.”

“I already posted about the Swedish woman who befriended a group of young male migrants on a Swedish train. They drank together and sang songs and she got to know these new Swedes. Then she was gang rapped by them. So what does she do? She remains reluctant to file charges, do to the fact that “They are refugees and they might have a different culture, and it is hard for them.”

“Jesus, that is all you need to know about Women in Europe. And notice who is always out front to help migrants and to welcome them. Yes, usually middle age to 60 year old single women. They have nothing, no family, so they adopt migrants as their cause, expecting migrants to love them in return.”

“I told you it was this bad, but no! It really is worse. In many small towns, the migrants prowl the streets while locals stay home. Letting children, young girls out of the house is now impossible. And guess what? Swedish feminists are fighting hard for Migrants rights, demanding borders stay open and more taxes be put on people. Women is Sweden have most of the political power, they have spoken. “Open borders” “Cancel Swede’s rights to accomodate islamic culture” “rape is the fault of cultural differences”

I said this before, and got my ass ripped open for it. But here it goes. “If MEN do not take back political power in Europe, away from the women, and institute a defense of Swedish culture, then it is all over”.

“The stupidity of a raped Swedish woman to not want to get the migrants in trouble because she feels sorry for them. You know where that comes from? Brainwashing leftist tachers in Swedish schools.”

“The locals are told that these newcomers will boost the economy and improve life by bring their diverse culture to Swedes. Anyone daring to say a word about it is attack by the feminists who call them nazis. This migration is very much a migration of young single black and arab men, 80-90% are 15-35 Male. The major social supporters in Sweden, those who greet migrants, protest for open borders, work in refugee centers, hand out food, and generally work to welcome the migrants are ” Women , single , aged 40-65. Middle aged women. Now if you knew personally who was out thee fighting for more migration, you would know them as loser feminists spinsters. It is actually a joke in Sweden when you see a middle aged woman handing out gifts and foods to 25 year old Black Migrants.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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