How Can I Be Of Service To You?

I just Facebooked several friends asking, “How can I be of service to you?” Now that I have demonstrated my sobriety and altruism, I can go back to business as usual. Funnily enough, none of them took me seriously.

Friend: “If you really meant it, you would have said. “No, I can satisfy you. I will overcome my white entitled laziness, and give 150%, and knock your socks off!” Instead of your, “I didn’t really mean it, I just offered cuz I knew you would turn me down.”

“It’s basically the equivalent of you inviting me over for an extravagant Shabbos lunch.”

Bud: “You had your chance to help me years ago, but instead chose your God. Some friend you turned out to be.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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