Daily Archives: December 13, 2015

The NYT Vs Donald Trump

Steve Sailer writes: “In contrast, the New York Times brand is linked to its financial savior and largest individual stockholder, the Mexican oligarch Carlos Slim who has risen to be one of the richest men in the world by using … Continue reading

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The Loneliness Of The Deracinated Goy

Goy: I think a while ago you wrote about how you have sort of been an outsider in every community that you were a part of. Me too. Gets a bit lonely. But why an AA meeting and not just … Continue reading

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When The Goyim Notice Patterns

Most Jews I know think that any goy who hates Arabs/Muslims is likely to hate Jews as well and so Donald Trump (and any form of populism and nationalism and gentile cohesion) makes them nervous. When goyim start noticing patterns … Continue reading

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A Terrifying Thought

During a five-minute meditation in a 12-step meeting last week, I had a terrifying thought — how does God want me to spend my day? Then the scary questions just kept on coming: How does God want me to deal … Continue reading

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So Wrong for So Long: How the Press, the Pundits–and the President–Failed on Iraq

Greg Mitchell writes: For awhile, back in 2003, Iraq meant never having to say you’re sorry. The spring offensive had produced a victory in less than three weeks, with a relatively low American and Iraqi civilian death toll. Saddam fled … Continue reading

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