Monthly Archives: December 2015

NASA rocket scientist father of James Deen defends his son, who went from upper middle class Jewish kid to mega porn star accused of violent sexual assaults

Joe says: “Now that the father has identified himself, his ex-wife, and daughter, what more can I say? His poor judgment even extends to identifying his employer, a prestigious NASA lab operated by Cal Tech. This is a high-up guy; … Continue reading

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Portrait Of A Cuckservative

From Vox Popoli: It would be hard to get much more cucky than this. This is simply a straightforward and unabashed cuckservative surrender to left-liberal fantasy: Anti-Racism Is a Conservative Issue The Left is happy to go on endlessly promoting … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer’s Meta-Journalism

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Much of what Sailer does is meta-journalism. He writes about how journalists are spinning things. This killing relates to what he has already written about: journalists bizarrely claiming it’s silly not to want to let … Continue reading

Posted in Blacks, Donald Trump, Islam, Journalism, Steve Sailer | Comments Off on Steve Sailer’s Meta-Journalism

How Many Jihad Killings Would America Have Suffered Without The Surveillance State?

From the Chateau: Disingenuous shitlibs (are they ever anything else?) have feverishly rushed to reshape the post-San Bernardino Muslim terror attack narrative with lies, obfuscation, evasion, and really big lies your grandfather might call whoppers. One of their snarking points … Continue reading

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Bottomless Need

* Luke: “That guy is bottomless need. He’s needier than a woman. Do you think he’s a homo?” Friend: “I don’t know. Try him out. See if he laughs or cries.” * “My parents didn’t tell me enough that they … Continue reading

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