How Many Jihad Killings Would America Have Suffered Without The Surveillance State?

From the Chateau:

Disingenuous shitlibs (are they ever anything else?) have feverishly rushed to reshape the post-San Bernardino Muslim terror attack narrative with lies, obfuscation, evasion, and really big lies your grandfather might call whoppers. One of their snarking points has been attempts to contrast the number of (pre-9/11, natch) Muslim terror deaths in America with the number of non-Islam related mass shootings. Faggoty antiWhite graphics along this “Whites are the real terrorists!” theme litter the Twatterverse and Vaginaverse.

Besides the glaring own goal of basically admitting that the number of total mass killings in America could be seriously curbed (at least by a third) by kicking out Muslims back to their countries, there is the evasive little shit maneuver of neglecting to mention in their cutesy graphics how many jihad mass murders were thwarted by the surveillance state that, if left to execute unhindered, would have greatly increased the Muslim representation among mass murderers, right into a significant majority of all bloodbaths.

Evidence: Fifty (!) terror plots have been foiled since 9/11. With few exceptions, almost all these thwarted attackers were Muslims putting the lie to the shitlib “religion of peace” mantra of impotence. The total number of American deaths from these 50 thwarted “shadow jihads” could have easily gone into the tens of thousands had the attack planners remained undiscovered by authorities and free to execute with extreme prejudice.

So, adding thwarted Muslim terror attacks to successful Muslim terror attacks makes it quite clear to all but those with their heads in the oil-rich sand that the mass migration of Muslims into America has been a


The US borders should have been closed to the Middle East decades ago. But we no longer have a ruling elite looking out for the best interests of normal, mentally sane White Americans still clinging to their common sense and functioning amygdalas.

PS Don’t misconstrue this post as advocacy for the Orwellian Surveillance State, which is a malignant tumor on the American body politic. The source of our woes is Diversity™, the endless blessing and fount of strength which the Surveillance State was created out of necessity to monitor for incipient flare-ups of tribal violence.

Dismantle the Diversity to dismantle the Surveillance State.


About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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