Monthly Archives: October 2015

12-Step Wisdom

* Many of my visions turned out to be hallucinations. * Going from invisible to invincible. * You can’t save your ass and your face at the same time. * Suit up, show up and speak up. * Wherever you … Continue reading

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Who Cares About The World?

Growing up as a Seventh-Day Adventist on Seventh-Day Adventist college campuses in Australia and California, I often encountered the attitude, “Who cares about the world?” The more traditional the Adventist, the more likely he was to have this attitude. Traditional … Continue reading

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Education Professor: ‘Forced busing’ didn’t fail. Desegregation is the best way to improve our schools.

Comments at Washington Post: * Can we start with your kids, professor? * Shorter Version: Society wasn’t failed by liberal policies, liberal policies were failed by an unworthy society! * No sane mayor or city council, no matter how liberal, … Continue reading

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The Sorrowful Ballad Of Fat White Chicks

Richard B. Spencer: #Adele sings the sorrowful ballad of fat White women everywhere who’ve taken in Black men and been abandoned.

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We Need A Populist News Channel

Comment: A paleo news channel probably wouldn’t work (too intellectual and probably a bit too reactionary on economic and social issues for majority tastes) but a populist news channel probably would. I’m sure there are plenty of working and lower … Continue reading

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