Monthly Archives: September 2015

Alex Tabarrok’s “Open Borders and the Welfare State” vs. Peter Schaeffer’s Comment Tsunami

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I just watched “Going Clear,” a documentary about Scientology, and the way the world inside the bubble of scientology apparently operates made me think that’s kind of what the world would be like if every … Continue reading

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NYT: European Union Ministers Approve Plan to Distribute Refugees

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Reflecting on the importance of language, we see in this piece another example why we always lose: It’s “right-wing politicians” vs. “humanitarians”. Gee, I wonder which side is the good guys? It’s just like in … Continue reading

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Conservative Rabbi: Jews in America struggled for decades to become white. Now we must give up whiteness to fight racism.

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Gil Steinlauf, the senior rabbi at Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, D.C., told his congregation that they “must teach our children that we are, in fact, not white, but simply Jewish.” It’s a hilarious piece. … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Believes In HBD (Human Bio-Diversity)

Does anyone doubt that Donald Trump will be tougher on Muslims in America than any other presidential candidate? Dave Weigel writes: Donald Trump’s current take on Muslims: They’re not Swedes In a new interview with CBS News anchor Scott Pelley, … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: A general rule: The whiter a black is culturally, the more ethnocentric he will be politically

Steve Sailer writes in 2007: A reader points out: “I have always been amused that Kanye West, the benign rapper with the art school background and the English professor mother, is the one into trendy political grandstanding and accusing Bush … Continue reading

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