Monthly Archives: August 2015

You Can Often Sense Somebody’s Recovery Level By Their Body Language

For more than four years, I have been going to 12-step rooms for my various emotional addictions. I’ve noticed that you can usually tell where someone is in his recovery by his body language. Those in the throes of addiction … Continue reading

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How Do You Make Money From Making Movies?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * This falls nicely into iSteve’s classification scheme for things that are easy to predict but boring, vs things that are hard to predict but exciting. The hard-to-predict things are usually the outcome of a contest … Continue reading

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We Don’t Need Low IQ Immigrants

Comments to Steve Sailer: * HBD explicitly recognizes that, through no fault of their own, not everyone is cut out to be college material. Instead, this non-trivial segment of the population should be encouraged to work hard and have dignity … Continue reading

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Blog: An Old Recording Of Megyn Kelly Talking About Penises, Breasts, And How She Has Sex, Proves Trump Was Right Kelly Is Absolute Trash

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat: Donald Trump was disinvited from a prime speaking role to an important gathering of conservative activists on Friday for his criticism of Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly after a combustible debate performance. As for … Continue reading

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Is Obama Blaming The Jewish Lobby?

I am not a Middle East expert and I have no position on the proposed treaty with Iran. Is there a Jewish lobby? It seems to me obvious that just as there is a black lobby, a business lobby, a … Continue reading

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